
When TTC do you ever feel that everywhere you go?

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Everywhere you go, you see pregnant women or lots of newborn babies?

Ok most know when TTC thinking about it all the time isn't really helpful right, but everywhere you go it seems there are are so many pg women, more so newborn babies around here and I mean tiny tiny lil ones (I know it's because we're ttc it seems like there's more) but ARGH! this month I thought ok to avoid this play on the mind I'm going to reduce the amount of times I go to these places that I constantly get reminded of ttc, and of course do you think that would work? NOOO grrrr lol

I just walked outside to get the mail and there is this catalogue hanging out of the mailbox and the only thing you can see is a picture of a lil baby. I didn't even have to let my house and I get reminded, then on TV the other night a show I've never heard of before came on (called Bibs and Bubs) like ARGH! I'm trying to avoid being reminded of it, and not going out so much but it doesn't work lol. Does anyone feel the same way?




  1. I ttc for 8 years before I had my son and it was awful!  All of my friends and relatives were getting pregnant (without even trying and half the time they were not even happy about it!).  I had a few miscarriages during that time and that is when you REALLY see all the pregnant women and little babies!  We are trying for # 2 now and all I see are pregnant women!  Good luck and baby dust to you!

  2. It's you are, trying your darndest to get pregnant..and then on Yahoo answers, you see 13 year olds posting dumb questions about how they became pregnant and how they're so scared! *gasp*

    It's almost a joke, really. My husband and I tried to conceive for a while year. Last year around Thanksgiving time, it finally happened. I think it wasn't happening for a whole year because I was stressing so much over it. I kept thinking about the baby. I kept counting days, researching my ovulation charts, reading about all kinds of crazy methods to conceive a child. I had baby on the brain. Finally in November last year, I gave up. I had a move to think about. I had to pack things, clothes, furniture...had to get an apartment, start paying new bills with my husband, make a road trip to our new state..things were hectic and I forgot about baby-making, and somewhere around that time, it happened. I think when you are anticipating a child, your body isn't going to respond only because of how the stress hormones are high even though you don't know it. And this can even put your cycle off. It sucks, really. I have some really helpful sites for you should check them out:

    Find out when you are ovulating:

    Side effects of personal lubricants when TTC:

    Tips for Conceiving:

    Increasing chances of getting pregnant:

    Good luck..I know it's so freakin frustrating...but it will happen. Like I said, we tried for a I'm 37 weeks and almost ready to say Hello to my own little one. I do wish you the best.

  3. So true!!! I have NEVER seen so many pg women or newborn babies in my life..... AND i feel that everyone i talk to tells me that either someone they know is pg OR they think they might be!

    When will it be OUR time??


  4. Hi... How right you are!!!!!!! i thought i am the only one staring at every pram and every preggy woman i saw... and i have been seeing them in every block since ttc for 7 months.. you wont beleive me, i just switched on the TV last night and saw a program about celebrities and their babies for half an hour!!!... just went to the GYN... my test was negative and all around me were tiny cute chubby babies......

  5. Yeah, I was exactly the same - as soon as we started ttc I saw pregnant women and babies EVERYWHERE!! Babies and children always seemed to be on television, you could not seem to get away with it. After I miscarried - I started noticing even more, everyone seemed to have babies or be pregnant - it was horrible and frustrating. I am now 16 weeks, and still experience the same, I guess because subconsciously it is on your mind so you are noticing. Unfortunately, I don't think there is much you can do about it....

  6. Yes!! I even got to the point I hated leaving the house I knew I'd run into one or the other.

    Try some pre-seed. Use opk's to figure out when ur ovulating. I know after my loss I ovulated late and took vitamin b6 to help ovulation earlier. The 15th month of trying we used preseed and were successful.

    Good luck, I hope it happens for you soon.

  7. You're not seeing things.

    I'm not even ttc yet, but, at least in Australia, there is a factual baby boom at the moment.

    I work in a Supermarket, and I can tell you, we are selling a heap less condoms and even more pregnancy tests

    There is a lot of pregnant women and babies.

    Best of luck to you all

  8. Hey there you!! I'm back! I totally know exactly what you are talking about. As you know i've been ttc since feb this year and thats literally all i've seen since then. Pregnant women and new born babies. My own sister has a 2 year old girl and just recently had a baby boy. I find it a bit hard to be around her now as she is just having such a great time raising them but i know i cant get down about it and either should you. So how are you doing anyway?

  9. Yes!! My hubby and I are ttc.. It seems every where we go we are surrounded by babies or prego women.. It makes me sad but I still continue to be happy for the expecting moms and the new mommies.. ALL of my friends are preggo and I get soo upset to think about it but I try to stay positive.. I am glad that I am not the only one though that feels this way.. Best of luck to you : )

  10. Yes, I know exactly how you feel, before I was ttc I noticed it and its what made me ttc.. I keep on seeing pregnant women and it reminded me of how it was to be pregnant with my little girl who is now two already.. But the more I try not to think about it, there is always something there to remind me.. I am not sure how long you have been trying but I wish the best of luck to you... BABY dust to all of us..

  11. I agree!!! lol. I'm not even trying to concieve. Im just clucky at the moment. as i've realised in 25 nearly. But we are waiting a couple of years first as we want to get our own place, get married etc. It's hard not to be clucky when ur reminded of how cute babies are all the time. lol.

  12. it feels good to know that im not husband and i are TTC and guess what everyone we know is conceiving but us even my young brother`s girlfriend delivered few month ago.its kinda depressing...though we have not lose hope wish you lots of baby dust and me too.

  13. I've been TTC #1 for a year now and yes you do feel like everywhere you look you see pregnant women, babies or baby references however you’ll be glad to know it does get easier and you find ways to cope.  I even found a way to sit through two friends announcing their pregnancies simultaneously the other night, who then both proceeded to talk about how easy TTC was!  *Babydust* I hope you get to hold your baby soon!

  14. well i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels this way!!  we currently have a 13 month old daughter, and we are (kind of) ttc.  we just went to the mall the other day and i am not kidding there must have been 100 pregnant women (and girls) and probably just as many with babies and strollers and slings etc etc.  maybe it's just because i really enjoyed my pregnancy, and i wish it had been longer (i know some of you probably want to smack me for that lol but 40 weeks was not long enough for me!!)

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