
When Ted Turner predicted ignoring global warming would lead to mass canibalism was he talking about himself?

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in general and the rest of us in particular?

I don't think I trust anyone who says they they will eat human flesh in bad times or who says I will.

And everyone thought that Jane Fonda was the crazy one.

So how much of my tax money and how much development will I have to give up to keep Ted from eating his own kind? Starving the masses to save the masses from starving. Eating the masses to keep the masses eating. I smell a nobel prize coming.




  1. It was a irresponsible comment, I do not know him I know of him and I doubt he really believes that. However he is liberal and the comment was meant to get a reaction and he succeeded.  I would not give any credibility to it the statement, I may not agree with his politics however Its to bad that he makes these kind of statements. It doesn't help anyone and causes division.

  2. when agriculture is in trouble the countries who suffer most are the first world countries that rely on third world imports

    Third world countries are already in trouble because of climate change .

    one degree rise means ten percent crop loss.

    so put all this a bit into the future

    population growth is expected to triple in next 50 years

    it already doubled in the last 50

    When there are more people than cabbages in a meat eating country ,and all of the dogs ,cats ,rats and cattle are gone

    What would you suggest or think the people will start eating.

    If people are the only meat walking around

    figure it out

    somebody will come up with a scam to process the ones that are dead .

    when those are gone we may look for reasons to cull the unimportant members of society

    when those are gone any one could be game

    Remember Soylant green

    It would make more sense to limit our numbers and work towards a sustainable vegetarian existence.

  3. i have heard things about canibilism and global warming, but what i didnt hear wasnt about humans.  there are wild bears who are eating their fellow bears due to lack of food.  such as the polar bears, because in the artic the ice caps are melting and they are having touble getting around and finding food.

  4. Turner was exaggerating.

    But it is fact that global warming will make food shortages worse in Africa.  And that desperate people may flee across borders and cause wars.

    The US military is very worried about it:

    And that's the reason the IPCC got the Nobel Peace Prize.

  5. I think you're absolutely right.  You need to write this up and get it to the prize committee immediately!

    Bon Appetite!

  6. From the man who married "Hanoi Jane" and is a very vocal advocate of gun control, and yet has a permit, owns, and target shoots a fully automatic rifle.

    If Yasser Arifat can win a peace prize by killing Jews and Gore-bal warming wins one for lying on film, then I guess Ted certainly is a front runner for one.

  7. yes

    and he is the largest land holder in the US.

    plus has more buffalo.

    another crazy treehugger.

    they should tax people who take land out of production.

    if i get hungry i am going to poach buffalo

    guess where.

    i wonder how many solar panel he has on his home and buildings.

    with the land he has he could power half the US

  8. Are we talking about the same Ted Turner who goes around stealing other men's wives?

  9. Future Ted's wife candidates - watch out.

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