
When Tony Stewart crashed out of the last race, did he cry and moan and blame someone like he usually does?

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I don't believe it was his fault either, but everytime he crashes, he cries and moans.




  1. Tony was being sarcastic when he said it was his fault.  He even took a dig at Sadler.  Rightfully so, this week's accident wasn't Sadler's fault, but he's a dope.

  2. I thought he blamed himself even though I didnt think he caused it. All drivers think its someone elses fault doesnt matter if its on a racetrack or on a highway.

  3. Not too badly.

    Beside, Kyles the big crybaby at JGR anymore. Hope Logano doesnt spend too much time around him, or we're going have a Mini-Shrub.

  4. Actually he blamed himself. However, it was 100% sarcasm :)

  5. Yes, he sarcasticly said that the wreck was his fault because he was within a half lap of Sadler. He said he should know better than to be on the track anywhere near Sadler, so thus the wreck was his (Tony's) fault.

    Although he was being sarcastic, the wreck was started by Sadler and Gilliland.

  6. Like others have said, he did blame himself. I didn't hear any crying or moaning about it. He was joking around.

  7. He blamed Sadler but the way he whines, I hope Sadler dumps him again next week. I try not to bash drivers but him and Juan Pablo Montoya are open game in my book. Sorry JPM and Stewart fans, just my opinion, don't want to offend.

  8. Much as I don't like him, this particular crash wasn't his fault.

    He hid his moaning and blaming in sarcasm this time. Smart move. Everybody thinks he took blame when he certainly didn't.

  9. From what I heard Tony didn't blame anyone but himself and it wasn't his fault!! (please correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I heard on the radio from where I'm from)

  10. A lot of times Tony is right though.

  11. No he did not. He was simply telling the truth. Because of Sadlers poor race skills Tony finished 41 115 laps down.

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