
When Traveling to Spain, Whats the basic thing to prepare?

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Hopefully, before this year ends I will be traveling to Spain. Anyone can suggest me to the basic things, the do's and don't.




  1. Clavdivs gives excellent advice.  Everything he says is perfect, good advice.

    I would add:  If you are going in the fall, the weather does begin to cool off, in the northern half of the country and the mountains, you'll want ordinary winter clothes after about mid-november.

    I really need to know if you mean "Travelling" or moving there on a long-term basis (semester abroad or longer).  That would help to make a better list.

    One thing, when planning a tight trip, you need to check schedules carefully.  Many things are closed on Mondays, so if you want to pack in the activities, you need to make sure you aren't planning Monday activities that are closed all day, and you need to know what is open during siesta, and what closes down...We were in Córdoba, and had planned to go to the Mezquita first, then the Alcázar de los Reyes, then, around 2:00, we would be hitting the Sinágoga.  But when we got there, we found out that the Synagogue closes during siesta, and the Mezquita was open all day, so we switched things around.  If we hadn't checked, we would have missed out on the Synagogue, and that would have been a shame.  

    I plan things pretty carefully, so that I can pack in about as much as possible.  I only got back after almost thirty years...if if takes me thirty more, man, I'm never gonna make it!

    Besides, the planning part is half the fun!

  2. The first basic thing is know where do you want to go.

    For party, go to balearic islands, canary islands or cities near the sea in eastern and southern Spain.

    For typical tourism, see Barcelona, Madrid and Andalusia (Sevile, Granada, Málaga...)

    My suggestion is visit northern Spain, from Galicia (Santiago, Vigo, Coruña...) to Catalonia (Seu d'Urgell, Girona, Figueres...) visiting Asturies (Oviedo, Xixón, Cangas de Onís), Basque Country (Bilbao, San Sebastián), Pamplona and aragonese pyrennees (Jaca, Benasque).

    If you are american, prepare some money, because prices are similar than in the states. If you go in summer, prepare a lot of t-shirts if you go to the south, normal clothes if you go to the north. Buy an adapter for electric instruments. Learn a little galego, basque or catalan if you go to Galiza,

    Euskadi or Catalonia, people will be more friendly.

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