
When Viagra says, "Ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for sexual activity" Are they really serious?

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Who in their right mind asks that? And if the doc says no, are you really going to listen? What is the point of that caveat in the Cialis commercials? Everyone knows I'm stubborn, I'm gonna keep going until I break a hip or die on top or underneath someone, isn't that how we all want to go out?




  1. well some people have really bad hearts. but no. no one can not have some good old loving especially if there on viagra

  2. I think it's a matter of weak hearts/high blood pressure.

    If you can end up with a 4 hr erection, that's a lot of excitement for an old guy.

    Personally, If I were a man I wouldn't listen anyway.

  3. there really are reasons.....A family member was told to limit them and he Like You would not listen, he had to have heart surgery....He is still in his 40's, but people are going to do what they want to any way..

    edit: I'm sure Hugh Hefner keeps a bottle in his lounge jacket pocket..haha.

  4. There are people who are in fragile health, particularly with regard to their cardiac condition. I can assure you that when your life is threatened by vigorous activity, you chill out.

    Cialis, like any other drug, has to cover its ***.

    You may perhaps be stubborn and you may have great plans to go out with a bang, so to speak, but there are some folks who have other considerations.

    So, no, I don't think that's how we all plan to go out.

  5. That line is to cover their asses if anything bad happens, and I hear you on the going out with a "bang". I just wouldn't want to die with someone behind me. xD

  6. lmao. uh, yes. viagra apparently doesn't realize how seductive the world is.

  7. not really, they have to say it for legal purposes.  you should know if you are healthy enough or not

  8. Some men have heart issues, take coudamin or other meds, high blood pressure thats out of control and not being treated. They really arent healthy enough to have s*x

  9. yes you should ask; i would think that asking is more for older gentlemen though..and if the doc says no...doc probly has a good reason...and if that's how u wanna go out..more power to ya

  10. it's probably talking about STD's so you don't spread them or if you have some heart condition where you will drop dead if you like have an o****m or something

  11. Might go faster than ya think. Viagra raises heart rate and blood pressure. Taking meds for high blood pressure.?? Lose the viagra...

  12. They are looking out for your best interest, because how would u like it if your junk exploded, or you had a heart attack while making the s*x. They wouldn't be able to close your coffin.  

  13. Not really, some of us would like to play on..

  14. Ha ha ha (lol) you dirty old man....I mean that in a nice way!

  15. its just to avoid frivolous lawsuits. some fool probably died while having s*x and his wife tried to sue the company that manufacture Viagra or Cialis.

  16. I think they're listening to their Legal Dept.

  17. Imagine how the woman feels if you die inside her. She'll probably be whispering dirty talk for a few minutes before she realizes you're dead. How embarrassing.

  18. i think it also talks about STDs and things

  19. It protects them from lawsuits by your significant other as they can claim you weren't healthy enough or took it without having a physical to see if had any unforeseen health problems.Too many senior citizens have collapsed from a heart attack because of this drug,when a brisk walk does just as good to increase the circulation and in turn a healthy libido.

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