
When Was The Last Time You Got In Your Child's Face..?

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And told them that you were so proud of them??




  1. Today when my 2 year old cleaned up all his toy cars off the floor after being asked just once! I told him he did a wonderful job and later he came up to me and said I did a wonderful job too! LOL!

  2. my little girl is almost 3 so i tell her several times a day and i mean several in the part that she is learning so much and everything she does i am so proud of and i let her know cause i want her to have confidence in herself  

  3. couple days ago

  4. Every chance I get. I figure the more positive attention I give him the less he will seek negative attention. Ever notice that? Like if your totally consumed in doing something and your kid is like, "Hey mommy! Look at me! Look at me!" and you just give him the "Okay" response...and then a few minutes later he has destroyed something just to get your attention. Well, my five year old does that. So, I make it a point to acknowledge him regardless of how busy I am and make the biggest deal out of the positive things he does. It works too!

  5. Today, when my Joseph ask for a drink of milk and said please and thank you without being reminded!

    Hes such a help-full boy, loves helping his Daddy around the house.

    I tel him all the time what a great helper he is, and that i love him and am proud of him

    Kids need to hear encouraging words from their parents

  6. I don't have a child!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥


  7. Every single day I let my kids know how proud of them I am. Not just for some achievment they have made or because of good grades or great work ethic, but because of the wonderful people they are.


    everytime casey makes me a cuppa tea,,, oooooh so proud!!!!!!!!!

    when ash does something to make me laugh,, she makes me proud, she actually put a empty roll of wrapping paper on her groin b4 and said "doo doo", meaning p***s,, brock tought her that, he does it with every long object

    when brock makes fake doo doos,,lol

    when mitch behaves,,, hes a terror lately,, but when hes good, hes really GOOD!

    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX by the way,, seems like every question i ask lately dosent get posted, as i search in the category and they arnt there,,, i posted a question 3 times b4 and still zero answers,, can u look under my questions and see if u see em?,, answer em all and youll get best answers,,lol

  9. I often tell them. Yesterday I thanked Elijah for doing things without being asked and I told Shannon today for winning the handstand comp at gymnastics

  10. Just before my daughter went to bed, she helped me clean the toys off the floor and kissed her brother goodnight. She is my little angel (well sometimes anyway, lol)

  11. I tell my youngest two every day, even though they can't understand me yet. They're month old twins and they make me and my wife so proud, just to have them. I think it's important to always tell your child - even if they don't know what you're going on about! The last time I told my eldest, Nathan, was just before he died. I told him how much we loved him and how we are so very proud of him. Also, I made sure he knew how happy he had made everyone and always will.

    Children need encouragement like that, it's lovely to tell them as well.

  12. Tonight, we were doing some card making and my daughter made a very cute card.  But I always try to tell my kids how proud of them I am, even if I hear them playing nicely (for once)

  13. A couple of days ago.  She got into the 'touch football team' she was so excited!

  14. Just about everyday - they are always doing something i'm proud of - even something as simple as saying please and thankyou - which we're working on at the moment

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