
When Was the Eiffel Tower built?

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What day, month and year was the Eiffel Tower built?




  1. The tower was inaugurated on March 31, 1889, and opened on 6 May.

  2. The eiffel Tower was built on the Champ de Mars beside the Seine River in Paris, construction was between 1887 – 1889. The tower was inaugurated on March 31, 1889, and opened on 6 May.

  3. put up...  or   built!!

    built   when  my   grand ma   got  her  1st teeth..  ..

    put  up...  when..

    her  brother  graduated.

  4. March 31, 1889.

  5. The Eiffel Tower was built on March 31, 1889. It took nearly 2 years and 2 months to build and was being planned in design in 1884.

    This site is great for info. You should check it out:

  6. september 23rd 2008 late night, in my bedroom in NY

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