
When Will I Get My Period?

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I have asked this question multiple times. When do you think I will get my period for the first time? I will be 12 in December, I have had discharge for 10 months or so, have pointy/round b*****s, a size 36 to 38 a, a bush of pubic hair, and also have had armpit hair for a year or so. (I shave my legs and underarms) When do you think i will get it? When my start my period, i want to use tampons pretty quick;y. can someone post a link to how to insert a tampon, or images of where to put it. thanx




  1. Soonish i think,

    But no need to rush it comes when it comes.

  2. Women can get their period anytime between 10 and 18 - sometimes younger. No one can tell you when you are going to get yours. It will happen soon enough, believe me, and you will wish that you weren't so anxious. I got mine at 10, and to be perfectly honest, it was h**l. Just be patient - it could be coming soon, or it could be another year or two. Like I said, no one can tell you exactly when you're going to get it.

  3. Don't be in a hurry to get your period!  Once it starts, you've got about 40 years to deal with it (that's almost 500 periods!) and it's NO FUN!    I was 13 when I had my first one and so was my daughter.  How old was your mom when she first got hers?  That MIGHT be a guage for determining when you'll start.

    It seems like sometimes the more anxious we are about getting it, the longer it takes to get it, so relax and live life...when your body's ready, it will start.  

    Some early warning signs are usually breast tenderness and cramping in your lower belly and thighs.  Keep some supplies with you in your purse and/or locker, so that you'll be prepared when it does come.

    Tampon packages have easy-to-read instructions including diagrams, that should help you use them, once you're ready.

    Good luck!  :)

  4. Why are you rushing to get your period. You're only 12 years old. Enjoy your youth while you have it cause once you get your period, it'll become a pain in the butt.  

  5. Well it all depends it sounds like you should be getting it pretty soon.

  6. well....because of your bra size, you sound like a pretty big girl.

    Fat people usually get them quicker.

    So you will probably get it soon, but there's no way for us to tell you when you will get it!! The best I can do is say soon.

    The box will tell you how to put it in, but you just sit on the toilet with your legs apart or stand up with one foot on the toilet. then you spread the lips of your v****a apart and put it in!!

    Once your fingers are touching your vag. you push stick so the actual tampon goes in and take the applicator off. The box will have a better explanation!!

    I know you probably have lots of other questions too so go to

    Good Luck!!

    If you have any questions you can email me.

    They explain EVERYTHING to you!!

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