
When Will My Eyesight Stop Getting Worse?

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I got glasses around age 11, but I didn't wear them until age 13. I get a new prescription about once every year, so it feels like they're are getting progressively worse rather quickly. The optometrists (gone to a few) and opthamologists (only gone to one), keep telling me that my eyes will stop getting worse when I stop growing, but seriously, I stopped growing at age 13, and I am 18 now. I hate my glasses, so I usually where my contacts. My left eye is - 5.25 to 5.50, and my right eye is - 6.00, I believe - if I read my prescription correctly. Might there be something wrong with my eyes - other than the general fact that they are getting worse? I can't wait until I can get lasik eye surgery.





  1. As you age myopia(near sightedness) tends to stabilize or improve. Mine have stabilized. My fathers eyes improved to the point where he did not need glasses and had that requirement taken from his drivers license.

    Presbyopia(far sightedness) tends to signifigantly worsen with age.

    I was advised by an eye doctor that lasik surgery will only improve your regular vision. You will require glasses for reading.

    I have thought about lasik for myself, but have read too many horror stories of botched and uncorrectible operations. My sight is precious and I will stick with what I have(glasses) as contacts will not help me as I require bifocals.

    Be sure you check all available facts twice before you make a move.

  2. I doubt you stopped growing at 13.

  3. I don't think there's anything wrong with your eyes.  Myopia usually stops progressing in the late teens or early twenties.  Mine just stopped last fall and I'm 23 (I'm up to -9.00 and -9.50).  My optometrist always told me it'd stop when I was 16, then 18, then 20...  It really should stop by your twenties, though.  You'll have to wait until it stabilizes to get LASIK, but I have friends who have had the surgery and they love it.  

    You'll still end up needing reading glasses when you get older.  Laser surgery changes the shape of your cornea on the front of your eye, but it doesn't change your lens.  Your lens lets you change focus distances, like when you look from far away to near.  It will age and stop working like it does in anyone else.  This is called presbyopia.

    Hope this helps and hope your prescription stablizes soon.

  4. Don't be so quick with the lasik there are major risks not being told about that procedure. Myopia can also becaused by inherited  genetic conditions. The muscles in the eyes are not working correctly possible due to a underlying inherited condition.  You need to do research on muscular dystrophies most myopathies are inherited although some can be caused by other things. The American public is generally unwilling to find the root cause just want a fast fix. The majority of doctors have no clue about them unless that is their interest. They prefer the fast buck that may solve the problem temporarily only to lead to another problem to make more money off you.  Research until you know what sisorder is causing the myopia and don't let the so called "pseudo doctors" blow off valid questions.


  5. Your eyes will change your whole life. But, the frequency and severitiy of the changes will slow down once you are completely done growing. So, if you are female you will most likely level off about now, and if you are a guy you might change some for the next couple of years still as males grow still sometimes into their 20's. I am 44. I have about a -6.00 and a -6.50. My vision leveled off in my 20's about at a -4.00 but has slowly pregressed a couple more diopters the last 20 years or so. So. Even with Lasik, you have to understand that the natural eye changes that would have happened anyway. You have normal myopic eyes. It is the way you are made. I have worn glasses since I was 11 too, so you sound a lot like me. Myopia is hereditary and you can really do nothing to stop it! <sigh> so, get used to the idea that your eyes will always need your attention!

  6. Your eyes will keep increasing until you're around 18-20, which will then stabilise. Until then, the best you could do will be to reduce eye strain by taking regular breaks from the computer.

    Once your eyes stabilise and slow down, you can consider getting surgery done.

  7. They will stop getting worse when you die.  Otherwise, you can have other health related issues that affect your eyesight tested, like blood sugars and blood pressures and weight-gain or thyroid conditions.  And so far, your eyes are only half-bad!  They can get lots worse! lol  At least you don't have astigmatism to make things really bad.

    Lasik will only correct your eyes for a short period of time.  By the time you reach your mid-30's to early 40's, your eyes will have went back to what they were before surgery.

  8. mine are still progressing and i'm OLD.  talk to an opthalmologist.  lasik surgery has its own risks, including dry eyes and overcorrection.

  9. Your diopter measure will stabilize only around early twenties. Lasik surgery can be done only after your diopter measures have stabilized.

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