
When Will NASA commit to a manned mission to the inside of a black hole to understand them better?

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When Will NASA commit to a manned mission to the inside of a black hole to understand them better?




  1. you gonna volunteer to man that mission?

  2. never nasa is on shallow ground as it is in terms of funding

    talks of further cutbacks and downscaling are emerging within the organization

    nasa plans to replace the shuttles with apollo type rockets due to effeciancy and cost effectiveness among other things

    however people within are wary about wether or not this will even happen

    some speculate that nasa may just become a research facility as opposed to an actual mission carryout organization

  3. Are you making any sense at ALL? Obviously, light can not travel through a Black hole. Why would any body in their right mind send a human being through? Gravity will simply suck them out of existence. This sounds like a retarded question to ask. Would somebody PLEASE ask a question that makes sense? What science are you studying - Idiots For Dummies? Like, Can you go through a White hole?

  4. Forget NASA, CERN are already commited to that. :D

  5. Well, first we have to leave our own Solar System, which could take decades. Second, the nearest possible black hole is many light years away. Thirdly, we don't know 100% where one is, we are only guessing right now. So take the time it would take to design interstellar travel, find a black hole for certain,  and the traveling distance to a black hole and you have your answer.

    And of course, add however long it takes to find some one willing to die a quick but painful death. The gravity gradient around a black hole will tear anything made of matter apart. Nothing made of matter, no matter how strong, can remain intact.

    Once we have our magical indestructible astronaut and have flown him to the black hole, we drop him in. Once inside the event horizon, neither he nor any information concerning him can ever come back again. The gravity is such that nothing can escape the interior of a black hole, not even light (and by extention, radio). Keep in mind, while we see him drop in, time dilation from all that gravity means that he has died of old age long before he ever reaches the interior anyway.

  6. I hope George Bush goes on that mission.

  7. for the moment they do not know enough about black holes to even think about sending people into a black hole.

  8. As soon as they can find a suicidal astronaut. Black holes are sufficiently understood by most of us, though apparently not you.

  9. i dont think thats possible right now. Cause black holes are maade of dark matter, and its really heavy. Doesnt one square inch weigh like 1000lbs or something, im not sure. So yeah the space craft would like get crushed.

  10. A Black Hole's Grasvitational Pull is so Strong that not even Light can escape it. We would need a probe way faster than the speed of light to explore black holes, which is impossible because there is nothing faster than the speed of light.

  11. Nothing that enters a black hole comes out. The entity whatever it is, is consumed and destroyed by such a black hole. Going inside of one is not a way to discover any new information about it.

  12. Since anything going into a black hole is doomed to total destruction, first from being ripped apart by gravitational stresses, then by being smeared into a layer a few molecules thick all over the mass at the center of the black hole, I'd say that would be a galactically stupid mission to undertake.

    I volunteer the classless people who had to bring politics into a purely scientific discussion.   They already have the right qualifications.

  13. No one knows, but what the heck good would it do?  We know more about space than we know about the ocean on our own planet, that's just ridiculous.

  14. How about "never".

    Once a vehicle crossed the event horizon, it'd be pulled apart by differential gravity.

  15. i would imagine that would be a suicide mission, still i cant help but think that there is another world out there

  16. within a billion miles or so of a black hole gravity would so great a person would be like a million pounds,

    Lets just say, i wouldn't be a volunteer

  17. They have to wait for George Bush to get out of office so they can send him up as the pilot.

  18. The moment they get a candidates to volunteer to do such thing.

    With the theories saying we'll stretch to the infinite. But you never know :)

  19. interesting question...we never know what is inside a black hole..according to our understanding..if we go near a black hole..we will be rip apart..but imagine the possibilites if we can go near the black and go inside it without getting rip apart..for nw our best weapon to understsand black hole is the sciense of logic..math..

  20. Quite possibly never.

    Or at least in thousands of years.

    First we need to actually find one close enough, and even then they'd send tens of satellites before they were even remotely considering sending a human.

    Besides, NASA is notorious for not actually getting around to the things they promise!

  21. Never. It is not possible, that would be a loss of money and life.

  22. cant happen

    1. the gravity is to strong and will pull u apart

    2. the nearest black whole is in the center of our galaxie but its sleeping

    3 ul get to old to get ther if quontom phisics havent reached the lvl

    but on the good side its probable to try and if we could travel faster that the speed of light

  23. I highly doubt they ever will. Everything in a black hole gets destroyed. If a human or machine went in one, they would slowly be torn apart limb by limb. Why spend billions of dollars on something that will be trashed?

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