
When Will The "N" Word Stop Being A Major Issue? Or Even Used? Opinions Please?

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I Believe This Devisive Word Has Got To Stop

Being Used By All Races And Colors. Your Opinion?




  1. i agree, but you cant have some saying it  like to each other  and  in songs  then  get  upset  if  another  race  calls  them  that  the  double  standard  has  to  stop  and  until  it  does  we  cant  move  forward

  2. 'N' word?

  3. Whenever the rapstars and movie stars stop using it!

  4. It is generation and generation and generation of ignorant people handing down their knowledge of the "N" word.  It is a vicious cycle.   If we could all be like a 3 - 4 year old we could learn so much.  Watch them at a playground, the only difference they can see is boys from girls.  They all play together, they don't see color or race.  Everyone is equal...until the parents step in and tell them differently.

  5. It will never be stopped as long as people use the word.

    As long as you have rap noise, people using the word it is impossible to stop it.  Rock groups never put down people

    in songs rap does.  Eliminate rap noise and start listening to Rock music it rocks.

  6. It will be stopped eventually, but it will just be replaced by another word in terms of its significance and magnitude. Did you watch South Park?

  7. never because where i live blacks say it to each other

  8. what Ni$ger or ****@ I prefer Ni&ger. And no it shouldn't stop cause I enjoy calling those porch monkeys Ni&gers. Got d**n coons were bangin n my hood.

  9. This is such stupid political correctness it hard to believe.

    The N-word comes from the fact that Africans as a race are very dark skinned. Linguistically it's the same as saying Blacks. There is even a country in Africa called Nigeria and another called Niger.

    What is even more stupid is that Blacks themselves call themselves by the N-word.

    I continue to call blacks by the word N*GRO without intending it as being contemptuous. Is that also VERBOTEN?

    PS It is. I had to put in a *. What a joke??

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