
When You Stop Taking Birth Control.. ?

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Should you have "withdrawl" bleeding along with your period.. anyone ever not??.. I think it's weird. I've been taking the pill since I was 16, I started a new kind in January and I couldn't even take on like an hour late or I would bleed for the whole next day until I took the pill that day.. BUT.. I stopped taking them for my last period.. which never came!! I have taken hpt's but neg's. going for blood work tomorrow.. just wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else, and why?? Thanks :)




  1. I've never heard of that, although the body does sometimes take some time to adjust to a new birth control pill.  Usually, you should have a "time range" when you can take your pill, like at "breakfast time" (anywhere between 6am and 11am) and you shouldn't have to take it at EXACTLY the same time every day.

    Can't tell you if you're pg or not, but if you stop taking the pills, then there's always a chance. It's also possible to get false negatives if you test too early, so just give it time.

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