
When You Were A Child ..?

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Did you ever think you would become a mum or dad ..or didn't you think about it




  1. no i had serious issues with myself, and honestly believed i would be alone and not have babies and it terrified me.

    i fell pregnant at 20 and miscarried and i got it into my head that if it could happen to me once it would continue happening. then it took 18mos to conceive my daughter, and again i thought, that was my only chance and im never going to have a full term pregnancy.

  2. I thought about it all the time, lol. I wanted my mum to have another baby so badly!! I had cabbage patch kids and treated them like my own kids.  Its all I really wanted to be when I grew up!

  3. no i never thought about having kids i was going to be a career driven woman but then i had a miscarriage at 18years old and i wanted what had been taken from me. i am now 23 in september with a 3 year old a 18month old and 19 weeks pregnant and i love being a stay at home mum and i know what you mean about the kids t.v i probably like charlie and lola more than what  my kids do lol. its is made the hand you get dealt in life especially when you were expecting something else.

  4. I still feel like i am a child and i have a baby lol . I have always wanted children though i just didnt know i would have them at 20 =) ♥

  5. I always wanted to be a Mum, little did I know it'd take 7 long years of fertility investiagions and treatment, and heartbreaking miscarriages before I was finally blessed with a miracle daughter in 2005.

    I am so lucky to have her-she has made the struggle all worth it in the end.

  6. Yes I always thought I would become a mother. However I was told I would never have any.

    Here I am with my dream, my miracle, my life! My daughter and Son on the way.

    Just because the doctor says "I'm sorry... but you can't" doesn't mean I am going to listen and accept the crushing blow. I am a fighter... I fought to have my angels. Yes Had some losses... and they are stars now, brightening up the night sky, sparkling so beautiful; I wouldn't change my life EVER!

    Love the Question!

  7. Totally. I always knew I wanted to be a Mummy, but I always wanted a girl. I have 2 boys lol, who knows maybe a girl will come along one day ;)

  8. I spose i didnt think about it until later on. When you're that young there are many other things on your mind. But now im 16 i think about it and yes certainly i would

  9. When I was a little girl i used to always dream of having a little baby, dressing it up and bringing it for long walks and showing it off. but then i used to always say to my mom, you can have it during the night and i will have it in the day time lol. x I'm 19 now but I'm still not ready to have children but i can enjoy my little niece and nephews xx

  10. As i was growing up i always wanted children, but some stupid thought in my head told me i would never be lucky enough to have them - well lucky that was wrong - lol

  11. I was glad when I did get pregnant after trying for 3 years but lots of people think having a baby is a must to be a family - that is not true, a baby adds to your problems and I wouldn't recommend anyone to bring a baby into the terrible world of crime and unemployment.

  12. I never really thought about it. A lot of my friends were almost obsesive about having kids at a certain age and what s*x they would be and what they would be called . I had my 1st child when I was 21

  13. i did when i was about 7years of age playing with my dolls and I'm now 37 and have 3 two girls and one boy and the oldest is 20 so i started young but id never change it for the world

  14. i still kinda am a child i'm 4teen

    but i don't wanna go through the pain! of birth.. but id love twin boys :(

  15. I wanted to be a mommy when I was little. I loved playing with dolls and taking my cat for walks in his stroller (he was a really nice cat.) I'd even dress my cat up in doll clothes! Then when I was 8, my parents gave birth to Satan (aka my little brother.) He had colic for 3 months, and ever since has been a royal pain. He's my exact opposite, we don't look anything alike, he's athletic, I'm more scholarly, etc. I swore up and down from the age 8-20 that I wouldn't have a baby if someone paid me. However, now I'm about to be 21 and my boyfriend of 5 years and I are talking about the future. We're looking at houses, and planning our lives and now I'm starting to think that being a mommy would be kind of nice. Just not for while. Maybe when I'm 30...

  16. i never thought about being a parent until i fell pregnant.

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