
When a 3yr old needs glasses

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he's obviously not gonna wear them but he cant see and i know he needs them what can we do for him?




  1. you have to be consitent in putting them on over and over, he will get used to them and wear them without a problem after a few weeks of consistentcy my nephew started wearing glasses @ 3 and it was lots of trouble in the begining but now he wears them all the time no problems and looks so cute in his little glasses

  2. My friends son has to wear glasses. He's 3, just keep putting them back on. They have a strap for younger kids to keep the glasses on their heads. Good luck.  

  3. My daughter was 16 months when she got her first pair.  First of all I suggest you get more than one pair, small children are rough on glasses.  You might try having them attach an elastic band that goes around the head to the legs of the frames, that helped our daughter from taking her glasses off.  

  4. He might well wear them if he really need them.  My daughter has worn glasses since she was 14 months old, and while it took us a few weeks to get her to wear them consistently, she now wears them with no problems at all.  

    The thing is, you need to have him wear his glasses since he's at a critical stage in his vision development.  As others have said, you need to be consistent in putting his glasses on, and you need to be very positive about his glasses.  We were counseled to always smile while putting her glasses on and to not force it, since forcing kids at this age can just give them bad associations and make them resist it more.  It's a tough line to follow, keep putting them on and being upbeat about it, but rest for 30 minutes or an hour if it is really upsetting him.  You may also want to try having him put his glasses on and immediately having him get into one of his favorite activities to try to distract him from wearing the glasses.  Basically, you need him to learn how much better he sees with his glasses.  It can be done!  Don't give up hope.

    I would also read him a lot of books about kids with glasses and make a big deal of any friends or tv characters (if he watches tv) that wear glasses.  One of my friends has a 3 year old with glasses who even though he's never seen or read Harry Potter, he knew enough about the character to be really excited that he would be just like Harry with his glasses.  Also, if you wear glasses, too, it can really help to show how you are wearing glasses and talk up how great they are.

    Some other parents have had good luck with rewarding time in glasses with stickers or smiley faces or other small rewards when they're first starting with glasses.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about having your son wear glasses.

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