
When a BF's rights are terminated does he still owe all back child support?

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We plan to get my daughter's birthfather's rights terminated at some point (he's signed a statement agreeing). He owes well over $10k in back child support and hasn't seen her in more then 1/2 her life by his choosing. When we do the termination and step parent adoption does he still owe the back pay? We're in Texas if that makes a difference.




  1. I don't think so.  I think when the rights are terminated, the money is done and gone too.  That happened in my case.

  2. Yes he still does owe all back child support and don't listen to what these other people on here that told you different.My mother got divorced from my father when I was either 1 or 2 years old and she got the back child support from my father.It also doesn't go away cause you still get child support until your child is 28 years old or something like that.

  3. Yes, he does still owe the back child support. It's exactly like any other debt. If he owed money to a credit card company, he would still owe even if they cancelled his card.  The fact that he hasn't seen her much doesn't mean anything either, he still owes.  

    I hate dead-beat dads.

  4. If the parental rights are terminated then the back child support goes away too. Unless you were receiving state benefits. Then he will probably have to reinburse the state for that.

  5. The child support already owing will still stand but he won't be required to pay any more support after his rights are terminated.

  6. Many judges will relieve the father from having to pay back child support if another man is adopting the child except for covering unpaid medical bills. Don't count on it.

  7. Yes, he will still owe it unless you/he gets a judge's order otherwise.  Usually the other parent will sign away rights to that back child support in order to agree to the adoption - his attorney usually helps with this.  The only time you can't sign away rights to the back child support is if you were on public assistance for any of the time the child support was due.  In that case, the Texas OAG will continue trying to collect child support up to the date the birthfather's rights are terminated.  If that is the case, make sure to let the Texas OAG/Child Support Office have the termination order or the release of arrearages so they can update their system so he doesn't continue to get charged.  Good luck!

  8. Yes. Always and forever he will owe the back pay. Interest accrues for each month he doesn't pay.

    It's just like a job, if you worked for "ABC" and they didn't pay you, and you got another job with "DEF", it doesn't mean that "ABC" doesn't owe you anymore.

  9. no -time to let go and move on.  get some counseling and visit the local community college.  you deserve to give yourself an education.

  10. The child support will still be owed. That doesnt just go away once their rights are terminated, unless you sign it away.

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