
When a President starts any conflict why don't we make them go to the front line and fight at least one week ?

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in three. I don't think bush would be so keen to fight everybody if he was actually putting his own life in danger. This may be impractical but I think our leaders need some reminder of the physical danger they put people under. Send Bush to the sticky end of things.




  1. You're not a very realistic type of individual are you?

  2. Ok and lets send all the generals and admirals and all Americans that have not served there country.


    will answer your question without a doubt. small short video

  4. You're right. When leaders dont have any skin in the game, they are alot more reckless with their military actions.

  5. We cant have the president of the united states be dead. HELLO! he is not a soldier, HE IS THE PRESIDENT. If he is dead, that brings up all sorts of complications. He has other jobs to do.

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