
When a Ships goes down does the Captain HAVE to go down with it in this day and age and WHY ?

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When a Ships goes down does the Captain HAVE to go down with it in this day and age and WHY ?




  1. it's more a general suggestion than actual rule.

  2. The captain has to pay for the ship. so most of them decide to die rahter than make payments the rest of thier lives.

    (that is totally false, I just threw it in)

    The captain stays til the last out of a sense of responsibility to his passengers and crew.


  3. The only reason to go down with the ship is that the time spent in courts and dealing with attorneys will make them wish they had.

  4. I will be the last 1 off>But going down with it> To motcho for me>

  5. I am not about to that's for sure!  (Least not if I can prevent it.)

         Fact is - there has never in recorded history been any laws or rules regarding the Captain going down with his ship.  In reality, compared to the actually number of ships in Davey Jones locker - very few Captains ever did - but throughout history - as is the case now - the ones that survived, just didn't make the front page of the New York Times.

         The most popularly accepted theory on "just why these Captains went down with their ship" falls into two main catagories:

         One, is that circumstances existed whereby the Captain made a logical determination that he could not survive at sea - as a timely rescue was impossible.  In these cases, it is believed that some Captains and crew alike would sooner go done clinging to, or in the holds of the ship as their means to a quick death. (Say vs treading water or floating in it or on it until starvation, dehydration, or shark attack.)

         The other theory is that of "Honor vs Public Embarassment".  

    Which, to some degree, we can all relate to - at least in regards to serious mistakes, and war.

    Happy & Safe Boating!

    Don't go down with the ship!

  6. Absolutely not! The captain should be the last one to abandon the vessel so that he/she may see to the welfare of passengers and crew. After that has been accomplished, the captain SHOULD abandon the vessel so as to continue to look after everyone's safety, and also to be able to report to the proper authorities the details of what happened, and answer for his/her actions.

  7. He may not have to any more, I think he should be the first off to make sure it is safe for everyone else.

  8. Well I am sure not going down with out a fight.  I will provide for the safe departure of all passengers on board and crew. I will then be leaving the vessel with life jacket, survival suit and / or life raft.  

    I had a passenger ask this same question recently, my reply:

    You will need to follow someone that knows how to get off the vessel safely - might as well be me :)

  9. Captain is listed on the station bill as being in my boat.   He might go down with the ship if he doesn't get his @$$ into the lifeboat quickly because we will want to leave.

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