
When a United-Boeing flies from one airport to another, is the fuel price at each airport in the world the....

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.... same? So does he pay the same in Boston than in Madrid?

And: How much does one pound of fuel cost?




  1. of course they r different prices.

    countries that r rich in oil tend 2 sell it nationally cheaper than other countries that don't have any.

    oil is NOT sold by the pound, it's sold by liters/gallons/barrels.

    in America the barrel hit a high mark of $113 per barrel.

  2. most airlines do something called fuel hedging... they buy a huge amount of fuel far in advance so they don't have to pay more as prices go up, so they would be essentially paying the same thing across the country and the world, as they have contracts with many oil companies....

    as for your second question, a gallon of jet-a is about 6 lbs per gallon.... and with current small airport jet-a prices around 5.50 a gallon or more (as they are the only prices i can really check), it would be 0.166 or 0.17*5.50 (0.16 repeating is the decimal equivalent of 1/6) or 5.50/6... that equals about 91.66 or 91.7 cents a pound (rounding up is good for computing trip costs, as you will have more money allocated than you need and will not run out of dough in nowheresville, USA)

  3. United, like other air carriers, buys fuel at the prevailing price at each airport. Flight dispatchers have price lists of fuel cost by airport, and they do what they can to hold down costs. For example, a flight from Chicago to Des Moines to Denver may be fueled through Des Moines if the price of fuel in Des Moines is too high and the flight can be done this way.

    Aviation kerosene currently is about $.50 per pound.



  4. The answers to your three questions. No. No. And how long is a rope?

  5. No. At different places fuel is cheaper. For example; in Europe it costs more as their dollar is above our dollar. Another factor is where the country is located. If it is an oil rich country then it is cheaper and vis versa. Right now the cost of fuel is about 110 dollars a barrel.

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