
When a body of water is drained faster than it is filled, it is called?

by Guest56035  |  earlier

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overdraft, soil water, none of the above




  1. overdraft

  2. SmileSun is right.

    An aquifer can be compared to a bank account, and ground water occurring in an aquifer is analogous to the money in the account. Hydrologists refer to this type of accounting as a water budget. Ground water can be recharged (deposited) by infiltration from precipitation, surface water, or applied irrigation water; it can be kept in storage (saved); and it can be discharged naturally to streams, springs, or seeps, or transpired by plants (withdrawn). In a ground-water system prior to development, the system is in longterm equilibrium—discharge is equal to recharge, and the volume of water in storage remains relatively constant. Ground-water levels fluctuate in time over a relatively small, natural range. Once pumping begins, however, this equilibrium is changed and ground-water levels decline. Just as a bank account must be balanced, withdrawals from an aquifer by pumping must be balanced by some combination of increased recharge, decreased discharge, and removal from storage (or depletion). An inventory of ground-water levels in wells reflects the volume of water stored (or occurring) in the aquifer, and is analogous to a financial statement.

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