
When a boy wants to go out with u and takes u to a resturant wat drink do u take in he car?

by  |  earlier

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cauz i once took soda and it spilled on my outfit!!!




  1. Why you need a drink in a car, I though you were going to a restaurant?

  2. bottle of water

  3. something with a resealable cap!

  4. Depending of what your gonna eat in the restaurant ....but I think it's so much better to drink a good wine like a "Chardonney" or a wonderfull champagne like "La Dame" de "La Veuve Cliquot"

    Otherwise if you're too young drink water or jus but never soda( this can through out....burrrrrp.....)

  5. You could get a shake, if its thick enough it wouldn't spill that much, but you would smell sour after a while! Yuck!!! I would get something that won't stain so much if you spill it like Sprite or 7Up or get water w/ice, but just get a small one-that way if you spill it, Its not that much!

    And put it on the floor and dont forget about it till you are done-that way, its just on your shoes if it spills.

    Are you eating anything with hot sauce or katsup? Use lots of napkins on your lap to keep your clothes clean. dont worry if anyone says anything, just tell them, "I dont want to look and smell like a homeless person if I spill my food on my lap."

    Have fun on your dates!

  6. water even if u spill it it dries up

  7. Nothing. Drinks fill you up .

  8. Going through the drive thru is not considered going to a restaurant.

  9. water is the safest and best way to go, if it spills it wount leave a stain and it evaporates fast.

  10. Anything, just make sure you put it in a tippy cup.

  11. A nice cool bottle water or a white soda

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