
When a car changes lane and brushes slightly against the car its over taking,what's that offence called?

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When a car changes lane and brushes slightly against the car its over taking,what's that offence called?




  1. An accident, not sure if it's an actual offense, unless the car drives off without stopping, then that would be hit and run

  2. Its a side swipe collision.. Hit and run if they don't stop.

  3. An Accident, its the lack of not checking your blind spot or not paying attention.

  4. Unsafe lane change is the official term for what you discribed

  5. Failure to signal a lane change, failure to control vehicle, careless driving, reckless driving, failure to yield right of way, sideswipe while overtaking, etc.

    It really depends on where you are and which of several applicable statutes the officer decides to issue.  Normally that's done on a case by case basis at the officer's discression.

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