
When a carpet is beaten with a stick,dust comes out of it,why ?

by Guest64059  |  earlier

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i have got a question frm belongs to the force (this question) !!




  1. It it is like you are asking why are dust everywhere. As everyone knows, dust is everywhere. So where does all the house dust come from original? Is it from carpet or is it from vent while heating the house? Is it from hard floor?

    Well to answer this question lets look at some examples. We've all seen that thick layer of dust that forms quickly if a window is open near a dusty road. Sealing our homes from outside certainly helps alleviate that dust. But dust is present in even the most air-tight home.

    One only has to watch the particles that float in a ray of sunshine to realize that just by opening the door to enter the house, dust can enter also. Dust can be brought in on shoes and clothing, or other items we bring into the house.

    But there is another source of dust that we often don't consider. Dust is FORMED inside our homes.

    It helps to consider the composition of dust. Dust is composed of animal and human dander, sloughed-off skin cells, mold spores, food and plant fibers and residue, insect parts, pollens, and other minute particles.

    SO why do carpet contain so many dusts?

    Carpet is a virtual magnet for allergens like dust mites, pet dander, mold spores and other potentially aggravating proteins. Allergens are antigens, typically proteins, that provoke allergic reactions like coughing and sneezing in people with hypersensitive immune systems. Allergies can be triggered by many things found in your home such as carpet, which may contain 100 times more allergens than hard floors.

  2. the dust is loosely fitted on a carpet . hence the action being beating it with a  stick. the momentum gets transferred to dust also. reaction acting in the direction opposite to action causes the dust to come out.

  3. when a carpet is beaten with a stick, the reaction of it is observed in the form of outcome of the dust

  4. Because the carpet is pushed forward by the stick (force is only applied to the carpet and not the dust). And the dust 'wants' to stay where in was. ('cause everything 'wants' to stay still when it is still, one of Newton's laws)

    So the dust stays where it is while the carpet moves away.

  5. because the carpet has got dust in it

  6. When you beat a carpet with a stick the carpet is set in motion whereas the dust particle inside it are in rest due to the dust particle resisting change in their state(motion or rest) they get detached from the carpet and hence come out.

  7. Well, I suppose the force of the moving stick gets transferred to the little dusties, and they go flying.

    Thank goodness for physics!!

  8. when carpet is beaten with a stick , dust particles gets displaced from their positionand moves upward as the reaction to the force which acts on them in downward direction and hence they are separated out.

  9. The dust comes out of the carpet because of Newton's first law - inertia. The carpet moves "out of the way" of the dust, which remains in place due to its inertia - and thus the two separate.

    Just like if you were to sit on top of a car, and the car was to take off fast, the car would slide out under you and you'd fall to the ground - because of you inertia to remain at rest.

  10. The shock from the impact dislodges the dust, which (beause of inertia) will try not to move as much as the carpet does.

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