
When a child has head lice and you use RID, what happens if you don't get all the nits (eggs) out? ?

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Can those eggs still hatch even after the RID has been applied? RID is an over the counter insecticide for head lice.




  1. RID does not kill eggs. You have to use it again in two weeks because it takes 7 to twn days for eggs to hatch. You should also plan to use the nit comb daily for a few weeks to catch any new additions you may have missed.  Its also a good idea to spot check for a few months because you cant be sure the source that spread your infestation is as determined as you are to get rid of it. RID only kills .. it doesnt prevent reoccurance.  

  2. I've never found an insecticide that killed the eggs, regardless of the claims on the packets. Yes, some will hatch. Plan to treat again a week later.

  3. the RID kills the eggs so even if you don't get them out they will fall out they are dead

  4. my 4 year old just came home with it again from her dads house.  i hate rid, it costs too d**n much, and you have to keep buying it.    get any hair product that adds "shine" to the hair,  any kind of glosser, spray on, and then pull the hair up cept the last two inches at the nape of the neck, and use a small comb to seperate the hair, once you see an egg, use your fingernails to slide it down the shaft, and just keep goin through entire head.  the glosser unbonds the d**n bugs natural glue and it slides it right off.  place in a wet papertowel, and keep going.  yeah it takes time, but if you are precise and do this a few days in a row, no more lice.  just wash your childs bedding every night, or place in a plastic bag for two weeks, same with any worn clothing.  

    we have five kids, and go through this every year.  if your child is in daycare or in school, put a light coating of gel in their hair or hairspray before they leave.  if your child has long hair, pull up first, and then spray with hairspray or gel.  lice like clean hair so they can lay their eggs on properly.    also try adding like 20-30 drops of tea tree oil to your normal shampoo, or switch to a lavender shampoo.  lice hate the smell.  we also have that linen spray that's lavender and spray on the bedding an hour or so before kids go to bed.  so far our other 4 kids haven't been infested, got my fingers crossed though, good luck!

  5. Yes they can still hatch. The lice will keep re-infesting the head. Keep reapplying the rid every 5 days or so so that it will get any newly hatched eggs. Try using listerine in between treatments. The alcohol in it will kill the eggs.

  6. They hatch and you have another lice infestation.  

  7. Yes, nits can still hatch after treatment. Here's what you do...

    Use mayonnaise instead of RID. I'm serious about this. RID is expensive and is hard on the hair. Rub mayo all thru the hair and then cover with a shower cap or even a plastic grocery sack tied behind the head. Wear it in the hair for about 2 hours.

    THEN use a RID comb and begin combing it out. Run water from your sink and rinse comb out after each combing. After you've given it a good combing, wash hair.

    At your local drug store/pharmacy, you can buy a bottle of TEA TREE OIL. It's with the vitamins. It's not expensive. Rub it on the scalp after showers. Lice hate the smell. Do this after each washing.

    You need to mayo hair EVERY DAY for about 4 days in a row, then ONCE A WEEK after that for a few weeks.

    Also, wash all sheets, pillowcases, blankets.

    It's a PAIN, but you get rid of them. If you don't follow-up with weekly mayo sessions, you will get them again.

  8. You need to try a treatment that is both safer and will get rid of the lice and eggs in one go. If a lice treatment does not work once it is not going to work twice, in fact the lice that live will breed into a whole new batch that are resistant to that chemical.

    I know you have already used RID but I strongly suggest that you never use that product again.

    The lice preparations you buy from a chemist are pesticides and every pesticide has the potential to do serious harm, even if used 100% as directed. No chemical head lice treatment is legally allowed to be labeled as 'safe' as every insecticide is a poison.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you but I believe you deserve to know the facts.

    Remedies containing Neem Oil are known to be highly effective as Neem interrupts the growth and reproduction of the head louse. Neem’s insecticidal properties are widely recognized now and the oil is commonly available at your local health food store.

    Feel free to check out the articles at the following site for more advice.

    Good luck.

  9. Yes, they can still hatch.  If you don't get all of the nits out the child's head will be re-infested with lice.  Make sure you go through their hair with a nit comb 3 or 4 times to be sure to get them all out.

  10. I am not sure if they can still hatch after using that stuff but if your still seeing lice eggs that means you did not get everything and you need to reapply again just to be safe. Make sure you get them all out.

  11. Rid kills live lice and helps keep re infestation low, but the eggs can still hatch. It is important to get every last egg out with a comb and it is equally important to spray the house, launder all bedding, clothes and stuffed animals in hot water. Clean pets, carpet and any other item lice can live on. It's a pain in the rear to get rid of lice and you need to take all necessary action to get rid of the problem thoroughly so that it doesn't flare up again. Ridding your home and child of the eggs is just as important as getting rid of live bugs.

  12. yes. that's why you're supposed to use it again a week after the first application.

  13. Yes, they can still hatch. You need to get some nit remover and a thin comb. Good Luck.

  14. Yes, they can.  And too many chemicals on your child's head isn't good.  Try this method instead.  Wash your child's hair, then pour on 1/2 cup of conditioner.  Let it set for 15 min.  Use a fine comb to comb through the hair until all the conditioner is out, then rinse well.  Do this EVERY night for a week. (Be sure you've washed anything else your child has come into contact with:  pillows, bedding, etc.)

  15. Yes the eggs can still hatch.  Actually, RID doesn't really work most of the time.  Lice are getting stronger than the medication that is given over the counter.  

  16. You already got great advice but one thing I wanted to add about getting rid of nits -

    We found that you just can't comb them out. They are stuck on there like cement.  I never had luck pulling them off with tweezers or anything - the whole hair would come off.

    So I started cutting out the shaft of hair that has the nit.  You absolutely can't tell by looking at my daughter's hair that I had cut out so much of it.  But it makes getting rid of the nits so much faster than combing and trying to pull them out.  

  17. if u do not get all the eggs out they will hatch might have to shave the child's head.

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