
When a child is adopted at age 1 (or less), when they get older, can you put them back up for adoption if you?

by Guest32691  |  earlier

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don't like to take care of them anymore? or you just plainly don't like them.

ex: you adopt a baby at age 1, at age 13, you want to give them back...

and demand a refund (just kidding about the refund part)




  1. actually, it has happened more than once.  and sometimes several years after the adoption took place.  i know an adoptee whose siblings were "given back" to the agency because they were considered "incorrigible" -- several years after having been adopted as infants.

  2. If you got the baby when it was only 1 year old then you would be the influence that caused the child to become sweet natured or defiant. Children learn what they are exposed to.

    A child can be influenced by their schools, even day cares, and pick up bad habits but you don't get rid of your child because they act bad. They would maybe have the child seen by a doctor or a counselor, to try to help them.

    The only thing I could think of, is if the teenager had become violent towards the adoptive parents, then maybe they would feel compelled to place the child in juvenile detention facility with the hope of reuniting if the child got some therapy.

    I am an adoptive parent, and I can't imagine ever turning my back on my family whether I had them by birth or any other way. They are my family. I would try to get them as much help as I could.

  3. I think people can legally give their kids up for adoption whenever they want (whether they were adopted in the first place or not). Someone would have to be really cruel and heartless to do a thing like that though. I mean it would be mean to give them up after 13 years of caring for them- not giving them up for adoption in the first place.

  4. Technically, yes I guess you could do that.  Anyone can place their child for adoption.  But I think someone who all of a sudden decides they don't want the child they raised for 12 years is pretty heartless.  I don't think it is a likely scenario.

  5. I don't think you can put them back , for adoption again, because most people do not like to adopted kids older that 12, some says that it is a lot of problems because the kids are grown and have some habits that is hard to control, but i think, that if one cares for kids, their age does not matter, some one need to adopted them give them a future and a home for living......... I have two fosters kids from India, they are beautiful, ia'm glad my family and my self we are  helping, humanity this is about love and caring, and not gettinng rid of the kids, that one adopted , no matter what  is the out--come, this will sent the child into a big schock with a bad ending, who will do such a  bad thing??......... Peace to you.

  6. i think you can put them up for foster care maybe

  7. i was hoping the whole question was a joke.....are you serious??

  8. As others have said... technically you can.  There are many cases of people abandoning their children to the state.  And, once you adopt, you are considered that child's parent, just as any biological child would be.  So, just as a parent can abandon their bio child, they could abandon their adopted one.

    However, this, in my mind, would make you a horrible person and I would hope that karma is 'real'.  I guess there are circumstances where it is understandable, those circumstances would have to be pretty significant to justify such an action.

  9. Someone once forwarded me a site that photolists kids that need to be "readopted."  I mentioned on a discussion board that we're interested in adopting a teenager and their 13 year old adopted daugher no longer "suits their needs as a family."  Really sad board.... I don't remember the site offhand, but email me if you want me to research it.

  10. I've heard you can drop them off at a firestation.

  11. Probably, but how nasty and awful. Better to give them up, than abuse them. Poor souls will no doubt be deeply effected by being given away once again....and most likely have attachment issues.

    oh to love them when they are cute and young but to throw them away like a used toy, when they hit their teens.-NASTY

    Such people should not have children.

    You say 'some' people kill their adopted children, well some people kill their biological children. Some abuse their children. Thankfully it's the minority. I was a victim of that my adoptive mother made more than one attempt on my life.

    Many adoptive parents love their children, even when life becomes difficult, in fact even more because of the difficulties they have weathered.

    It saddens me to see anyone talk about adopted children as if they were a pound puppy that can be re-homed and thrown away time and time again.

  12. If this question is because this is something your parents have threatened you with, perhaps during an argument or as a result of misbehavior, I'm sure they don't really mean it.  It's not a nice thing to say but parents are just people and they sometimes make mistakes too.  No matter how many books are written, parenting is not an easy task.  At your age you are finding your independence and searching for your self and that is an extremely difficult time for parents and kids.  If you're asking because you truly feel that there is a problem and you don't feel safe, please confide in an adult that you trust (church, school, neighbor, friend's mom).  Good luck little one.

  13. You would think after 13 minutes much less 13 years you would have grown a bond to this child who you once wanted...why would you give them back????  That is sicker than anything.  I do hope you are joking!

  14. What the h**l. That kid will need a whole lot of therapy after that. Get a dog instead, it'll be dead after 13 years.

  15. well techinically... yes.. you could. but what kind of parent would that make you? if the child gets to  be an age and is defiant and not listening it's because of your parenting skills, not the kid. it's the parents responsibility to get the kid into the school that will help, therepy, tutoring, army camp, whatever. having a kid requires 100times more responsiblity than a puppy... you can't just drop them off at the pound.

    as far as people killing their adopted kids or foster kids... it just means those were sick, twisted, killers. not that it was the kids fault.

  16.'s called "adoption disruption/dissolution." basically, one adopts the kid and when the kid starts acting like...well a kid (meaning not cute and complaint) the aparents can return him/her for a new model.

    sort of reminds me of an auto lease.

    ps. it's usually the "child's" fault for not "adjusting" BTW.

  17. did this happen to you or what

  18. Well sure you can, adoption is a beautiful thing, and there are SO many deserving couples out there who can't have kids, who would LOVE to adopt.

    I think it would be a wonderful and brave and selfless thing to do.

  19. actually 20% of adoption from foster care do disrupt (what they call giving the kid back)

    and oddly some people have sued the placing agency for not being truthful about the child's condition and gotten paid money for their hardship...

    but most of the problem is the health care/ mental health care system not being open to helping kids and allowing parents to keep custody... actually a lot of biological parents have to sign their rights of their children over too.. if their children become severely mentally ill or something..

  20. Many children are surrendered back into the foster care system after their adoptions have been finalized. 60% of the boarding students at a private school in my area are adoptees. Think about that for a minute. So many infact the school hired its own therapist to help them deal with "many" issues that were coming up.

    To read up on adoption disruptions ( when adoptions fall through before they're finalized ) and dissolutions ( when adoptions terminate after they're finalized ) go here:

  21. Yes, they could.

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