
When a child is homeschooled and then "graduates" is he considered a H.S. graduate for job-related situations?

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When a child is homeschooled and then "graduates" is he considered a H.S. graduate for job-related situations?




  1. Most informed individuals and colleges actually prefer homeschoolers!

    Homeschoolers have a good name!

    I've homeschooled my girls for about 13 daughter is in nursing school at WVU and made the deans list.

    If parents choose a good curriculum, they actually learn more than public school kids.

  2. Yes, they are considered graduates. Parents provide the diploma and transcript for any situations that may occur, whether it's job-related, college or military.

    Good luck!

  3. Yes. Make a HS diploma for him and keep transcripts and some examples of his work.

    Good luck!

  4. Some colleges and jobs require that a homeschooler complete a GED. It's certainly not difficult for most homeschoolers. However, you can and should create transcripts for your homeschooler that show what they have covered.

  5. yep, in addition at the age of 15-18 they can do duel enrollment (if they're smart enough)

    duel enrollment means taking college classes for their high school curriculm and they get the high school credit for it as well as college credit for it.

  6. of course, just because the education was conducted at home doesn't mean the child didn't complete the required work. Many times programs that offer high school level work/curriculum for homeschoolers will also offer diploma's which can be given to the student at the time of their graduation.

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