
When a dictator takes over and created his own empire?

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Assume a dictator took over the country, and created his own empire, and overthrew the constitution and everything that the country stands for.

How would the citizens of the United States react?

Would a group of people form to overthrow this empire? If so, what would this group of people be called?




  1. Prisoners

  2. What they would be called would depend on what they called themselves - the n***s called themselves n***s, after all.

    But it would depend. In times of economic crisis, people are more likely to vote radically, so if a dictator was voted in, as in Germany, then obviously the people would take a while to react, as they had voted for what was happening.

    To be honest, if it means cheaper food and oil, I doubt many Americans would care about creating an empire, invading other countries.

  3. That would depend entirely on how bad things had gotten, and how well the dictator convinced people he, and only he, could save our future.

    That, and how well he could convince us that we must remove the roadblocks to his gaining the power necessary to fix the situation.  Since the most likely person in America to be able to do that would have to be the President; it would most likely be a matter of convincing us that Congress is outdated and mired in corruption, and that the Supreme Court is attempting to control the laws from the bench.

    So you see, we are already halfway there, since both actually are true.  Its not that hard to convince us this is so--because in truth it is so.  The only real problem for the dictator is convincing us how he can be the one to fix things.

    And we would never see it coming, because that is how Presidents actually become Presidents.  They spend months trying to convince us they are the only ones who can fix things while others stand in their way.

    I suspect we would react as we always have.  Some would verbally attack the President/dictator, and others would support him.  Its not as farfetched as many would believe; our Constitution has been ignored and/or twisted to say a lot of things that weren't anywhere close to the original intent of the document.

    I doubt this Empire would ever be overthrown; it will self-destruct.  And it will self-destruct after the dictator has taken over, not before.

  4. insurgents

  5. They would be called "Bob". Maybe "Fred".

  6. They would be called REPUBLICANS.

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