
When a family goes out to dinner?

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When they have a young child and the child cries and makes a racket why can't they just take the child outside ? Don't they realize that it disrupts other people eating in the same restaurant?




  1. I waited until my son was 2 to go to a restaurant. If he were to make a bunch of noise, I would take him outside. Luckily, that's never happened. It is better for us to choose family restaurants that provide crayons and activity booklets for young kids to make the wait easier on the little ones (they make less noise when they have something to do).

  2. I don't think they care all that much or maybe it's they aren't that sophisticated to know what they could do or what they really should do. I have seen parents do what they can to try to quiet the child. If they are unsuccessful then some of them will bring the child outside or to the restroom. It does seem rare these days though. I don't know what's going on. The things that people used to do for the most part just seem to not be done anymore.  

  3. i have two children. 9, and 2. when my child acts out, i leave the restaurant. some people dont, and even as a mother myself, i get annoyed w/other peoples kids when they are being bad.... i leave when my children act up, why cant they have the respect to do the same i wonder sometimes. everyone else is paying for their meal just like the loud family, why should the loud family impede on the happiness of the other restaurant patrons...??? ive had to bite my tongue a few times. i make sure when  going out for meals, that i bring alot of little distractions for my children. *crayons, dollar-store things*  

    do they realize they are disturbing others? of course. they just dont care. thats prob. normal for them....circus people, lmao....

  4. When my family goes out i usally take my baby when it crys outside in the pram and walk around till it calms down its disrupting others and also is embarrasing when others look at u

  5. *rolls eyes*

    I feel your pain! I hate sitting anywhere near children at restaurants. They are loud, they throw food, they get up and run's highly disturbing - not only to the other patrons, but the servers as well. (and quite dangerous)

    It would a nice thing if people took their children outside when they misbehaved, but they never do. Apparently they act like that at home and the parents feel that it's okay. Well, I was reared to know that it's imperative to be on my best behavior in public. I knew and understood that even when I was young.

    I think parents are just lazy these days - anything goes.

  6. I always use to take my children out of the restaurant or any place when they had a temper tantrum. I never thought that any one else needed to be subjected to the behavior. Even I didn't want to be subjected to it.  Even when it happened at home, I would send them to their room until they felt that they could act properly. The parents of today have no consideration for others. They feel that the whole world should stop for their child. Our son and his wife feel this way about our two grand-children. They just let their kids do what ever they want. It drives my husband and me crazy. We hate to go to a restaurant with them. It can be embarrassing. Parents today think they are so special because they have kids. Well, we have all been there. Most of us have raised kids. It's not special, it's normal. Our son says he doesn't want his kids feelings hurt and I say to him, "surely you don't think that they are going to go through life never getting their feelings hurt?"  Wow. I remember my kids coming home almost every day with their feelings hurt about something. I would sooth the ordeal but I never thought it was wrong for their feelings to get hurt. I thought it was all just part of growing up.  When my husband and I go to a restaurant when we are alone, we will never sit next to a table that has young children. We just ask the waitress if we can sit at another table across the room. We don't like paying for a great meal and putting up with brats at the next table. I feel sorry for the kids though. It is the parents fault not theirs.

  7. We always did - take the child out. My daughter has been going to restaurants since she was a baby and we have only once had to take her out. Of course, we're not taking her to haute cuisine restaurants because that's not really appropriate either. There's a time and a place. I think that people in general feel that kids are too young to understand this (and from my observation some parents have superpowers in tuning them out) so they don't bother. Call it lazyness but I have to think if they allow it to go on it only gets worse and then the kid just shouldn't be in public at all.

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