
When a father never was there for a child/children do you think?

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he thinks of his child/children sometimes when father's day come around, or do you think he think of them when their birthday comes around, and in your own opinion, how do you think dead beat dads live with theirselves day in day out without thinking of their kids??? and watching other men with their kids.




  1. some men just  see children as a stop 2 b able 2 have fun 'with th lads' and dont like things 2 change, also alot of men r scared and dnt know how 2 b a father the smae as women, there are alot of men and women who dnt want children and have them 2 please there partners, they just need help 2 bond alot of women dont allow this.but did u know what 2 do first time straight away?

  2. In the case of the sperm donor/deadbeat dad of my child, no.  I don't think he EVER thinks of the child at all, unless his mother brings it up (she is also the one pushing him into fighting for custody).  I don't know why he is so f*cked up emotionally.  I often wonder if he's a sociopath.  He doesn't seem to have a conscience, and he acts as if other people aren't quite as "real" as he is, as if their suffering is less.

  3. i am also in the same sit. if he doesn't wanna be there ,don't force anyone to do something that they don't wanna do. Children aren't a pair of shoes or a holiday , you don't see them when u want. he is missing out on the best thing in this world; your child(ren). let him wonder, and miss them. don't miss out on your childs life because of him. Live and let go.

  4. For a long time, my ex was a deadbeat dad.  When he grew up enough to become a dad in the whole sense of the word, we hadn't had contact in several years (8).  By then, he didn't know if I'd re-married, or if I'd had someone else adopt my son or anything else.  When my son turned 17, he wanted to go and meet his dad.  Across country we went, where we did track him down, and now, he is being a pretty good dad to my son.  I knew something had changed, because at one point, I all of a sudden started getting pretty regular child support.  He had a lot of regrets, and the one thing I'm so glad I didn't do was put him down in front of my son.  That way, my son made his own decision.  Luckily, people do change, and many times for the better.   I'm lucky now, that I've met a wonderful man, who is the best hands-on father a woman could ever want.  He raised a boy that wasn't his, and even tried to adopt him when he turned 18.  He's been a wonderful father figure to my oldest, and our 9 month old's first words (for 2 months), is Da-Da.  He's terrific.  Deadbeat dads do make it harder, both financially, and emotionally, but let them dig their own hole to rot in, and if they remain bad, they will, don't put him down and make it your fault.

  5. I ask myself this question EVERY day.  My son is now 7 and hasn't received one cal on his Birthday from his father.

    If I see him.  I'll rip his effing head off!  I can only hope he's in a deep depression during the holidays, birthdays, and father's day!!!!!!

  6. My absent father was in prison for my entire youth-we never "bonded". As we grew up apart we are very different people.He is not a loving type and is very independent. I am a fundamentalist Christian and a conservative Republican and he is a socialist atheist.He loves sports and I have no patience for games.We couldn't be more opposite in our philosophy's. He is still my father and I always call him for birthdays or fathers day or holidays. As long as we don't talk about religion, sports or politics we get along for minutes at a time! I don't hate him of even dislike him a little-he is just another relative that happens to be my father.

  7. its easy for a man as they dont have the proper hormones to have feelings. It is easy to become a father it takes no time at all but to become a mother is a lifelong journey...sometimes happy sometimes sad but from experience in the long run the child KNOWS who is the important sandy

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