
When a girl gets pregnant how soon will she stat puking?

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  1. It's called 'morning sickness' and it's usually about 2 weeks after conception.

  2. different for every women. SOme women get sick right away and puke all the time. Some women only get nauseated and don't puke but  maybe once or twice, and then there are women who don't get sick at all. And sickness can occur at different times. I didn't start getting sick until I was five weeks along and I didn't throw up until I was about ten weeks and I only threw up like three times. It just depends on the women and how her body is reacting tot he hormones.  

  3. any time

  4. its not like in the soaps where the next day after s*x they start throwing up ...

    I have only thrown up 2 times in my pregnancy and both times were in my 4th month ...

    I did have nausea for 24 hrs straight though but that started in my second month ... and went away by the start of my 5th month

  5. Depends on the person.  I started being sick about a week after conception - before I even knew I was pregnant.  Only realized in hind sight after taking a test that that's what it probably was.

  6. Some women don't. Could start at 7 weeks could start later.

  7. I was 5 weeks when I started throwing up. Everyone is different so it's hard to say when.  

  8. i started around 6 weeks. got worse at 7&8. now im at 9 and now i barely have morning sickness.

  9. I never did

    I had nausea at week 6 through week 9, but never did vomit.

    everyone is different...

  10. I started feeling nausea 11 days after conception, but it is really individual. Some women never get sick.  

  11. Don't try to determine pregnancy by assessing "symptoms".  Take a pregnancy test.

  12. some people dont get sick and some are always sick. it all depends on your body.

  13. it depends on the girl and the pregnancy. some get a lil morning sickness, others alot, some not at all. some people feel sick all day, others at is a wait and see type of thing.

    for most women, the nausea and/or vomiting only lasts for the first far as the whole "it will be over at the end of the first trimester" thing goes, not necessarily true either. some women experience morning or day or night sickness throughout their whole pregnancy.

    like i said b4...depends on the girl and the baby...its kind of a wait and see game...

    i had no nausea with my first baby, and puked twice, and with my second, had nausea all day and never puked.

    good luck...

  14. i never did... never experienced any type of morning sickness!

  15. I didn't start until 7 weeks, and its already going down at 10 weeks. some women get it right away, and some don't get it at all.

  16. Typical phrasing from a guy...geez

  17. Not all women have morning sickness. Usually the ones that do tend to have it near the beginning and during the first trimester. By the second trimester morning sickness usually disappears.

    I didn't throw up at all during my first trimester.

  18. some never do ,

  19. I never threw up.  It just depends on the woman and her hormones.  Not everyone has the same symptoms during pregnancy.  She may or may not throw up.  

  20. well i can say however long it takes

  21. I never really had morning sickness... not every woman gets it... and not every woman starts at the same time.

  22. stat puking ? depends some dont at all

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