
When a guy asks you out does it mean you are his girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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Cause I thought a date was date nothing else.

But this guy asked me out on a date and I said yes and he started to call me his girlfriend.

I like this guy so no worries but I just want to know btw we are both 13...




  1. I would say yes because when ever a guy asks me out and I say yes then they always call me there girlfriend.  

  2. Yes that's what it means

  3. Yeah a guy did that to me last year and I was confused too hahah

    but yeah you are his gf =]]

    btw last year was 7th grade and now im in 8th and 13 toooo.

  4. I think that this guy is probably thinking the same thing as you. I am a junior in high school and I still don't know the answer. But with my previous relationships I either had to ask, or they told me. If you guys talk, maybe you should ask but say something like, "do you enjoy my company?" or "do you like going out?" or you could just straight up ask "do you consider me your girlfriend?"

    have fun.  

  5. yes that is what it means. =)

  6. "Do you want to go out with me/ Do you want to go to the movies with me"

    Those mean just a date

    "Would you like to be my girlfriend"

    Means you're his girlfriend.

    I'm betting he asked one of the first.

    Not everyone is clear on these things.

    Have a talk with him just to clear it up.  If you can't talk to him about it, maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship with him :)

    I had a confusing bit in 8th grade, him asking me out on a date, me thinking it was to be his girlfriend, because, thats what it meant for everyone else in 8th grade ahahaha

    Wow fun.  Email me with any questions

  7. If he said Want to go out with me that means your his girlfriend

    if he said want to go on a date with me than your not his girlfriend

    maybe ask him to double check  

  8. It can mean a lot of things. It can either mean you're beginning a relationship, that person likes you a lot, you're his girlfriend, or you're on a date.

  9. not really. at my school its the opposite, when someone asks you to be their bf/gf, they say you're going out even if they dont go anywhere :P but if you're both happy then thats great!  

  10. If he asks you out on a date thats a different thing then asking you out. Asking you out is like saying you want to be my girlfriend.  

  11. no it means your interested but you dont want it take it to fast

  12. No. You should make sure you clear this up with him.

    A date is not a commitment.

    To be dating is to be exclusive.

    You need a test drive.

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