
When a guy asks you to the movies?

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When a guy asks you to go to the movies with him at night does it mean he likes you?




  1. no.

    you can tell if he likes you if you go to the movies and watch his body language though

  2. In my personal experiences, not always.  But then again, 90% of my friends are girls, so it could depend.  Is it just you two going to the movies or are there other people going?

  3. I'd say don't worry about it, you'd figure it out in the movies anyway haha  

  4. no, not really.

    He likes you when he hangs out with you, you see him enjoying his company with you, tries to be with you all the time, and then he asks you to watch a movie, then yes he likes you.

    If he didnt do any of these things and asked you to watch a movie, he probably finds you sexually attractive and wants to get physical later on.

  5. you could ask him if its a date

    it is possible to go to the movies with someone you do not like because its the activity that's important ,in this case the movies.

    Then their liking someone and their important not the activity,you would do anything with them within reason .

    Ask your self do i like him?

    If you do then let him know before the movie.  .

    Just call him and clear things up before you go.It will make things easier for you both.

    This link looks at intimacy levels

  6. No, this is not a mean she like him.

    I think she is a good girl and she is not a heart him. Ok this is my thinking.

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