
When a guy puts on one of your frilly nighties is he just trying to be funny or do you think he secretly wants

by  |  earlier

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to see how pretty he will look and feel in it?




  1. Depends on the guy.  Got to admit I like frilly girly things, they feel nice and are very soft, mens clothing is kinda rough and not fun at all.  I am straight and have a girl friend, I have no interest in men.  

    Some men however like the feel and want a change, some like men and women, and some are just being funny.  

    so again to give you an accurate answer I would need to know your guy:-)

  2. There are times where men have a fantasy of wearing a woman's nighty. They turn it into something funny because they know you're watching. To most men... they want to see why you want to wear something like that, it's a personal experiment they conduct on themselves.

  3. funny

  4. some are trying to be funny some of them likes how it feels on them and some are secretly g*y

  5. most of the time just to be funny, but sometimes you just dont know.


  6. He wants it. He just has to act like it's a joke so people won't call him a sissy.

  7. lol matter of opinions well i think some do it for laughs other find them selves liking it more than they wanna admit... lol

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