
When a guys asks questions about the future...?

by  |  earlier

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... and where you fall into them... this is a really good sign he's looking for more than just a casual fling?

I'm asking this only because, this guy I recently starting seeing asked me how I would feel about moving away, to exact locations that he has been offered jobs at... I'm NOT jumping to conclusions about marriage. He is so very shy, very insecure and very timid that it was just a very strange conversation to have. He wanted to know if I would go with him, support him with his career and if I would be happy there...




  1. tell him the truth.

    if he really likes you & is a desent man he'll understand that you dont want to get to that stage ..yet.


  2. Sounds like he wants you to be his wife but needs to make sure you would be in for the long haul before making any commitments.

  3. Ok, I do this only when I see that the girl good be more than just some girlfriend. It is possible that he is trying to see how deep your feelings are for him without actually asking. He wants to see if this can go the distance in an indirect manner. DO not jump the gun and assume that he is proposing. He is not. Just wait it out. But it would say that he is asking this because he see's something in the future with you.

    Congrats, you may have found the one. Now if this is the one you want is a completely different story.

  4. ..then tell him what and how you feel about his idea,

  5. i would not assume anything. he could just be talking about what's on his possible plate. rather than ask us, ask him!

  6. how long have you been going out with him?

  7. you got things wrong as soon as he gets what he wants he is going to take one of those jobs and leave you

  8. This question is for him to get a sense of where your heart lies as far as this potential relationship. If he was any kind of decent guy, and serious he'd be also asking about your responsibilities, wishes, and what you need to complete before you could just move away.

    If it was at all a serious inquiry, he'd have to be considerate of your stuff as much as his own.

  9. well obviously he see's his future to be a good one and he wants you to be a part of that future

  10. he just wants to know you better if you might be the one

  11. Hi, I have information on my website for you to look at that might help you with your decision making when it comes to "The Guy". Click on the link below for complete explainations on the various reasons and aspects of a relationship. I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me through my website if you have any questions or comments

  12. When a GUY asks about the future... You know it's serious. At least for him. So if you don't want it to be serious, just tell him so. Otherwise he's just going to get more and more bold.... And it might end in a proposal. If you're not comfortable talking about it, tell him that too. You want to be as open as you can with someone who is so shy. Good luck!

  13. he is really into you and because he is




    he is trying to latch on you so that you never go away.

    Probably way too soon for those sorts of questions, but only you two can decide that sort of thing for sure.

    good luck

  14. he's feeling you out. trying to play it safe for his future, especially if he can see marriage in your future. i would want to know if my husband would have been willing to move with me if i needed to for work. i think it's awesome that you got a guy who's interested. good luck sista!

  15. I love it! This guy isn't wasting any time - too bad more guys aren't just like him. He's feeling out the potential of your relationship now, because he figures if there's no future, why even keep going? I hope you told this guy you'd follow him if he received a job somewhere else, cuz he sounds like a keeper! But if not, at least you know that he's considerate of your wishes.

  16. ..

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