
When a hockey player wont shut up...?`?

by Guest32282  |  earlier

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does his freind say "shut the puck up"




  1. I know you won't give me a best answer for this but that is really old and not really that funny anymore, because it is so predictable.

  2. pls visit

  3. haha, hilarious, i would have never seen such a LAME answer to that

  4. ill smash there heads in if they dont

  5. I think Lloyd here could use a couple lessons from Cheli's favorite coach.

    You always learn something new and useful there ^.^

    About your little "shut the puck up" ordeal, it really depends on the person, it doesn't necessarily have to be a hockey player to say that, a four year old girl could say it to her brother in front of her parents so that she doesn't get it trouble. Or a 25 year old male could say that to his spouse and mean it, but she would think he was kidding around, and all in the world would be well. <--alliteration

  6. You are a one trick pony aren't you Lloyd.;...

    Why do I see a new question aboot an Antelope in the future."Shut the Buck up".

  7. lol

    how about when a british girl gets her period?

    does she say: "Ive got my bloody period!" ?

  8. Hahaha...

    I think I've heard that one a few times before.

    I never really thought it was funny.

  9. Just sitting here nodding my head embarrassed for you.

  10. yes

  11. What a useless question

  12. ha ha ha ha ha.....

    I now declare you lame


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