
When a horse is barefooted does that mean tat they still need a farrier?

by Guest65467  |  earlier

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If they do then about how many times in a year or month!?




  1. They may still need to have their hooves trimmed about as often as if you were shoeing them. I have all my horses barefoot and actually some never need to be trimmed.

  2. I currently have all my horses barefoot, including my fancy show horses, and hopefully I can keep them that way.  I have been doing my own trims every 4 weeks, and maintaining them, and then have my farrier do them about every third time.  That means the farrier does them about every 12 weeks, with me doing them twice inbetween.  This is summer months when the hooves are growing fast, in the winter you can go almost twice as long between trims.

    So far that my method has been working well.  Costs depend upon where you live and the demand for your farrier.  My current one charges $30/trim, and if he has to travel there is a travel charge of $5-$10 total (not per horse).  Buying a good rasp is $30, nippers are about $80, and you need to know what you're doing before starting your own - so perhaps purchase Pete Ramey's set of DVDs on Hoof care.

    I think your barefoot horses has as big of a need of good trims as a horse with shoes.  Often you don't have to trim alot, but you do need to keep everything level, deal with any cracks or chips, keep the mustang roll smooth, monitor the frog and sole, etc.

  3. A farrier still needs to come to do trims. The amount it needs to be done depends on the horse. I have two horses that are 30 and they only need trims twice a year. I have yearlings that need trims every 8 weeks. I would recommend having the farrier come out and evaluate your horse and its hooves.

  4. I pay 35 to have mine trimmed. My horses are all barefoot except the young one in training. It really depends on the horse how often they need trimmed I have some that need trimmed as early as 4 weeks and others that doesnt need it for 10 weeks apart. The farrier just lets me know which one gets trimmed and when he'll be back.  

  5. Barefoot:

    Cheaper than shoes

    Better for the horse long term

    Done every 6-9 weeks

    EDIT: Depends what farrier you get but ours is $45NZD per horse which is WAY  cheaper than shoes

  6. Barefoot horses don't have shoes and they need a trim every 6 to 8 weeks.

  7. Yes, your barefoot horse still needs a farrier.  Mine comes every 6 weeks.  I depends on the area, but the going rate here is $40.

  8. Yes, they still need the farrier to trim the hooves. The farrier will also look for any cracks and trim the hooves to keep the even, balanced, and properly angled. This needs to be done every 5-6 weeks. My farrier charges $35 for a trim.  

  9. YES!!

    There hoof is like a fingernail. It needs to be trimmed or it will curl up. A horse needs there hoofs trimmed every 6-8 weeks. The farrier usally charges $25 a hoof for shoes so less for no shoes!

    Hope I helped!!


  10. They still need a trim or pare every 6- 8 weeks

    Edit> That's about £15 ( approx $30)

  11. Yes they must still be trimmed and balanced. I don't know if you've ever seen an animal cruelty show that show rescue horses who haven't had their feet trimmed but they tend to be badly overgrown. They also need to be balanced by a qualified farier or it can cause joint problems.

    As for frequency, generally about every 6 weeks depending on the individual horse. It costs me about £20 a trim.

  12. They do not necessarily need a farrier to do the trimmings if you are capable of doing the trimming yourself and yes they do need trimming if they are barefoot. .  I did my own horses for years when I rode them barefoot, but as I started to go further and ride rougher trails I needed the shoes so switched to a farrier to do the shoeing.  I now usually have the farrier come out to trim or shoe...but occasionally I do my own trimming on the older ones...saves the farrier having to deal with stiff legs etc..  

  13. Horses need to be trimmed every 3-8 weeks, depending on the style of riding, how many times the horse is exercised, and environment. Trimming cost can differ in price all over. Personally, I charge $65 right now for a trim. I've seen it as low as $20 - and as high as $700 for a trim. =)

  14. yes barefoot horses must still be trimmed and corrected by a farrier and actually need to be done more often to keep their feet from cracking. they should be trimmed every 4-6 weeks. most shod horses can go 8-10 weeks between shoeing and still be comfortable. trimming a barefoot horse is a lot cheaper than having a shod horse reset though, so the more frequent trims arent that big of a deal

  15. yep horses, need their feet trimming, it depends on your horse when, but normally 4-6 weeks

  16. yes my horse is barefoot and we have the farrier come out every 4 weeks. the cost varies but it costs less than a horse that is shod

  17. yes they need to see a farrier for trims just like we need to cut are nails so do they if there hoofs get to long its can cause them pain and it can chip and cause a lot of feet problems they should see a farrier around every 6-8 weeks or if you notice any chips or cracks or if u notice there long and need to be trimed and on average it cost about $25 per trim per horse depending on your farriers fees but it cost more for shoes and that sort of thing i hope i helped!!!!!

  18. They still need to be trimmed about once a month. This should cost around $50 :]

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