
When a huge wave is coming at you....?

by Guest10902  |  earlier

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What is the safest thing to do when a huge wave is about to crash on you and you have a bugy board attached to your hand? And your far from shore?




  1. noting

  2. Dive under the wave!

  3. You pretty much have 3 options. You can 1. Let the wave crash over you and hope for the best (I do not recommend this), 2. Push the tip of the board down and dive under the wave. This is called a duck dive because you are diving under the wave like a duck dives underwater.  3. Flip the board over and hold on to the top while you are underwater. the wave will go right over the board. This is called a turtle because your "shell" (the board) is protecting you from the wave.

  4. As an OC lifeguard what I suggest is to dive under the wave with your board. (duck dive) It was hard to learn but now it is easy. if you can't do that ditch your body board and dive as deep as you can. being far from shore makes no difference if you can swim well. Many people flip over onto their backs and let the wave "roll" over them. (?turtle dive?) i do not recommend this because my friend broke his spine doing this at the wedge. but i guess whatever you do there you break your spine.

    when you dive low under water you can feel if you dove deep enough by the way the wave rolls over you. too deep (if there is such a thing) no feeling of the wave. minimum you feel it roll over you. not deep enough it pushes you farther down.

    the ocean may be smarter than you but it always uses the same trick to try to get you.

    that trick is panic

    riptide pulls people out they panic from being so far away and drown (unless i'm there) lol

    waves make people panic

    seaweed makes people panic lol its a plant!

    its easier said then done but don't panic and you will be fine 90% of the time

    and the 9.99% is something you tell your friends later when you get out and then forget it by the end of the week

    the .009% the lifeguard comes out the .001% you drown

    you have a better chance from a shark attack or killer bees

    no one has died or needed to be shocked on my watch

    but CPR happens yearly

    its a safe ocean at Salt Creek from June- September

    although the entire world is there

    i've had kids translate for their parents from chinese or something that was insane

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