
When a interviewer asks if you have any question, can u say when can i start? yes or no?

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When a interviewer asks if you have any question, can u say when can i start? yes or no?




  1. no, not until the job is offered to you.

  2. You can try it and see what happens, but say it with a smile  

  3.   You CANNOT respond like that!  I have even had people I had interviewed trying flirting and everything.  They don't "realize" that that person doing the interviewing, no matter what the age, is the person who is assessing you for the job... When the interviewer asks if you have any questions... ask him/her about the hours, and job details and anything else related to the job at hand. Don't be a smart alleck, don't be funny... Do the research on the job and relate your questions accordingly.

  4. well, i don't know if i would say it in those exact terms.  i usually say something like this:

    "Thank you so much for your time today.  I really appreciate getting the opportunity to talk to you about the job you have open.  So, where do we go from here?  What are the next steps in the process?"

    With a question like this you don't put the interviewer on the spot, plus you can tell a lot from the answer you get.  If the interviewer says something like "We'll need you to go do your drug test as quick as you can"---that's a GOOD thing.   If, on the other hand the interviewer says "Well, we've got 24 more applicants to go through, don't call us, we'll call you"---then you probably didn't get the job.

    Interviewing is just like anything else.  The more practice you get, the better you get at it.   Practice while driving, in the shower, in front of the mirror, with friends and family, whatever.  Good luck!

  5. No, you can not ask this, not if you actually want the job. It's supremely arrogant and is guaranteed to get the interviewer's back up.

  6. No.  It's overly presumptuous, and I'd take it as a cop-out and think you haven't given our previous conversation enough thought to come up with an intelligent question about the company or the job.  When I ask an interviewee if s/he has any questions, s/he'd better have a good one related to the specific job or the things we've just talked about to show that s/he has functioning brain cells.

    There's a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance.  To get away with something like that, you'd have to have a heck of a lot to back it up.  That's usually someone's mouth writing a check their butt can't cash.

  7. No.  He didn't offer you the job.  You can ask him questions that you have about where the business is headed, questions on number of coworkers or if it would be possible to meet the person that you would report directly to.  You can stress your interest in taking the job and even ask when you may hope to hear back on the job, but not "when can I start" b/c if they've knocked you off the list you've put them in an awkward position.

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