
When a kitten's skin is loose does that mean it's about to grow

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Maybe I have never noticed it before but my kittens skin feels very loose. It seems like last week it was very taught and this week when I pet her I can bunch her skin and fur up into my palm. Why is this? Do cat's skin stretch before they grow? Is she about to hit a growth spurt? She is 3 months old(12 wks) if that helps.




  1. no, if a cat or kitten's skin is too loose then that means that it is dehydrated. you need to make sure the kit is getting plenty of fluids.

  2. maybe...........................oh and hi.....bak to the other guy **waves**

  3. Yuck, no, it means it is well hydrated.

  4. No - but you may have an ill and dehydrated kitten on your hands.  Their skin should be taught - not loose that you can pull it up like that.  Please call a vet, describe her symptoms, and get her in today.  If she is dehydrated, she needs more than having her water bowl filled.  This can be very serious, and become life threatening.  

  5. kittens dont really have growth spurts. they're just kind of consistently, yet rapidly growing until they are grown.

    and hey, whats up?

  6. She hasn't been getting enough water.  If it continues, take her to the vet.

  7. hi... well i'd say the same as him... ^^^^ but i think its under fed... hungry cat chow

  8. no lol it means shes really dehidrated please give her lots and lots of water.

    and if she drinks it all fill the bowl up again ok:)

  9. ever notice how animals carry their babys by their neck skin in their mouth?

    they all have that. :)

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