
When a man likes a woman, how does it make him feel? How should I handle the situation?

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I know there's a guy that likes me, and I'm just wondering if guys think of the women they like as often as women think of them? For example, does he want to hear from her often?

He is sending me little funny emails, but nothing too in depth. I want to know more about him, and I'm sure he must want to know more about me, so I don't know why he isn't being more inquisitive through email. He has my number, but hasn't called yet... We live in different cities, and only parted from one another on Sunday night so I could be jumping the gun a bit.

Part of me wants to be direct with him and tell him what I'm looking for, the other part isn't sure because I'm afraid of being vulnerable with someone I really like.

Any insight into the inner workings of the heart and mind of a man who likes a woman would really help. Thanks in advance.




  1. First off, I live with my fiance and a male I do hear a lot about how the male mind works.

    Often times, guys can be "shy".  If he likes you, it can be difficult for him to come out and say it.  This might be because he doesn't want the rejection...sometimes it's better to live in this fantasy in which he believes that the girl likes him, rather than receive the reality that she isn't into him.

    His little emails might be a way of him trying to see if you're interested in him.  Your responses might be deterring him from making any more advances.  

    You should just take the risk.  Honestly, he might be waiting for you to do something because he doesn't want to impose on you.  I've seen this so often.  

    Write out a "pro"/"con" list about not confessing your feelings to him.  The biggest "con" is rejection.  However, if you don't risk that, you might miss out on a wonderful thing.

    All I can really tell you about guys is that most of them don't bluntly reveal feelings, but they use clues - ie: sending a girl a CD, a poem or a book.  (there are exceptions...sometimes the poets, artists and sentimental guys might be more upfront with their feelings).

    Girls tend to over-analyze things.  So, just go with your gut and take a chance.  Don't be afraid of being vulnerable, it's a risk you should take.  

    EDIT: From what you added, I think he's been pretty blunt in that he likes you.  Seriously, I don't know how else to put it.  The man likes you, throw him a bone before he loses interest and moves on.  Guys are smart, they won't be dragged along.  This seems pretty obvious, trust me on this - make a move.  Invite him over.  Go visit him.  Call him.

  2. If both of you like each other then arrange to meet up and go out for coffee sometime and see what happens.  Nothing too serious in that and tell him you want to see where this is going but let's take it slowly as you don't want to ruin the friendship.  See what his reaction his and take it from there.

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