
When a non-believer asks you why Islam is the right religion...?

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  1. I say "because it makes sense"

    That leads to other questions and a good opening to do Da'wah.

  2. I'll say because Allah taught me in my heart and gave me peace in mind.  

  3. it depends upon the person to whom i am talking!

    if the person is realy in search of the truth then i'll try my best to explai her about the perfestion of the Quraan. the beauty of hadeeth. and explain how it's a solution to the problems that the people are facing today.


    if the person just wants to make fun of the religion then i'll tell the person that when my Lord Allah tells i believe and say lakum deenukum wa liya deen.and ask her not to bug me with her lies.  

  4. Salam my dear friend.Islam is the right religion because:

    1)I convince that the holy Qur'an is given by Allah through Jibril angel to Muhammad pbuh is complete,perfect and original as the life guide for all humans

    2)I convince that Muhammad pbuh the last prophet and messenger of Allah is a very honest man and illiterate man so what he conveyed to his sahabahs are really from Allah swt.He did not change it .It is still intact and original until now

    3)No one on this earth could write the life guide just like the holy Qur'an

    as good as it with no contradiction and scientific which challenges  humans to proof its truth such as about 7 levels of skies and 7 levels of earth etc

    4)The contents of Qur'an have relationship with the former and original holy books before it e.g. Zabur,Torah and Bible because all those life guide given by Allah too.

    5)Allah stated in the Qur'an that there are many changes in those former holy books made by dirty hands and Allah will maintain the genuity of Qur'an until the last day of this universe upto qiyamah

    6)In practising the Qur'an as the life guide in our daily life, it is supported by hadits as explanation from Muhammad pbuh so it is made more clear what we should do(good doings) and what we should avoid to do.(bad doings).No other holy book which is so perfect just like Qur'an.

  5. I say because it makes sense and because not only is it a religion, but it's also a way of life.

    Your sister,

    Jee Jee


  6. The Qur'an is a flawless book.

    The Prophet (sa) is a flawless person

    The practice is a flawless practice

    The relationship with Allah is real and observable.

    And Islam unites all mankind by proving that all Prophets were from Allah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  7. why would some one who is a non believer even ask u that?

  8. I just say Quran has lots of scientific facts in it.

  9. Honestly, I would just tell them that it is what I find to be the most spiritual for me and leave it at that.

  10. this is one reason how i see it, islam is very detailed in how to live life, that the major part of islam that allah always ask is to help your brother or sister regardless of religion More than worshipping, allah always ask us to be good to our fellow bros and sis. it even says how to go to the bathroom meaning washing yourself. thats how detaliled of what islam says how to live your life

    what would you say?

  11. Allah  never force human to be in a religion, but you will lose if you don't have a true religion. Terrorists have no right to kill people because their not muslim.

    There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. 2: (256)

    But the most important and acceptable advice to the mankind is

    "O mankind!, Worship your Loard ( Allah ) Who created you and those who where before you, so that you may become the pious" : Quran V 2:2

  12. Cause its the only one with perfect logics that mind can accept as the perfect one!

    I say its my choice and I am glad I am Muslim!

  13. Ask this question in Society and Culture/Religion and spirituality.      

  14. i say tat

    islam has its rules to do things coz muslims r gr8 people jus like u

    n u shud accept the religion coz allah(sut) wil b happy wiv u

    insha allah

    they wil aceppet islam

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