
When a parent gets impatient with a handicapped child, isn't that in essence blaming him/her for it?

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It is never the child's fault for having a handicap, whether it is physical or mental.




  1. No, it means the parent is human.  As a mother of three kids, one of whom is autistic - I get equally impatient with all three of my kids at times.  Its human nature.   I try my absolute best, but I'm not perfect, and at times I lose my patience.

  2. I think we as parents, sometimes get impatient with our children, whether special needs or not. It is never right, it is never the child's fault. I don't think it is necessarily blaming the child for having a disability as much as it is our own frustration for the lack of ability to handle the situation, whatever the case may be.

  3. Some just cannot communicate as well as non-handicapped children so it is easy to get frustrated. Parents always hope for a perfect child. I have only worked with them so I do know a little about it. Parents get frustrated with their "normal" kids as well.  

  4. idk.... i think every one get impatient sometimes i get impatient with my daughter and she is not handicap it is a matter so life

  5. I agree with you 100%  

  6. no it's not.... everyone gets impatient sometimes, everyone has a limit. It is in no way blaming them.. it is just saying I need a break!  

  7. Well, Uncle Bud, I can see that you don't have a handicapped child. They are 24/7...I literally didn't sleep through the night until my 18 year old severely impaired child started KINDERGARTEN. I could go on and on. It was never her fault, nor was it mine that I  was human and could only deal with so much at a time. Your question sounds really judgemental, and I think you're talking about a group of parents who deserve respect, not judgement. Where were you when I was carrying my 100 pound child up the stairs? I could've used a hand.

  8. No it's not the child fault.

    Getting impatient and blaming the child are two completely different things, it's wrong to say they are blaming the child just because they get impatient.

    Its natural to get frustrated, as long as they aren't being abusive to the child they shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

  9. No. Everyone gets impatient and can lose their temper. It is a lot of stress, and that can get the best of us.  

  10. No people become impatient with infants to, as long as they don't take it out on the child theirs not a problem.

  11. I do understand but i do get a little upset and gutted when my son Thomas is trying to  tell me something and i cannot understand its tough (he is non verbal), so when your a parent of a child with a disability of any sort or  like any child YOU do get stressed but i no way blame Thomas for having autism ..its life

  12. We all get impatient at times, whether or not our child is special needs.

  13. It's the same thing as a parent getting impatient with a "normal" child, It happens sometimes and it isn't blaming them for it. I am sure it is hard at times  to raise a handicapped child, I give people that do it my upmost respect, I'm not sure I could do it.

  14. No.  

    Even handicapped/disabled children have parental expectations and need limits on behavior.  

    Just because someone has Down's Syndrome does not mean that it should be excusable for that person to walk up to a stranger and hit them in the face.

    Or that a physically disabled child should not be expected to do as much for themselves as they are able, like brushing their own teeth, etc.

    The key here is reasonable expectations.  But if parents don't have these for their children, they aren't doing their children any favors.  

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