
When a pedestrian is walking on a footpath, that leads alongside driveways .....?

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When a pedestrian is walking on a footpath, that leads alongside driveways and a car is waiting to pull out of their drive, who has the right of way?

Should the driver stop and let the person continue walking on the path - which is theres in a way?


Should the person stop and let the driver reverse and begin his/her journey?

Try to give a un-bias answer, and think about both people concerned, the driver, and the pedestrian!




  1. They do you are coming out of a private space to a public space and need to take extra care.

  2. It's not about who 'should' do what and it's not about being 'biased'.  It's about the law.

    Any motor vehicle crossing a pedestrian foot-way, MUST give way to pedestrians.  That is the law in Britain.

    Additionally, the Highway Code recommends that drivers should reverse into their driveway, so that they can drive out forwards.

  3. The best and safest way to act is " the pedestrian ALWAYS has the right of way" they don't have a nice metal car to protect them from harm.

  4. Most places, the pedestrian has the right of way.  However, it is always best to err on the side of safety.  So like the other respondents, I would yield the right of way on both sides of this situation.

  5. as a driver, I would always wait for the pedestrian but, as a pedestrian I would (for my own safety) hold back until I was sure the driver had seen me & would stop.

  6. About the only time a pedestrian doesn't have the right-of way is if they are J-walking. In this case, the driver has no choice, but in all others, laws protect the pedestrian.

  7. The pedestrian definitely has the right of way, even more so if the car is reversing out of a driveway.

    Reversing out of a driveway is technically illegal, but because "everybody" does it law enforcement agencies don't usually worry about it. The one time they do enforce it....if you hit a person or another car.....then you are at fault and can face charges.

  8. The road traffic act states that in this case the pedestrian has right of way

    Jaywalking is no longer an act it was repeeled so is no longer an offence

  9. The pedestrian has right of way in this instance.

  10. its weird , as a driver i would let pedestrian go, and as a pedestrian i would let driver go,  which is bizare

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