
When a person is angry is it just like when they are drunk to where their true feelings come out?

by  |  earlier

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Me and one of my female friends got into a really big argument. She has the bad habit of not talking to me or ignoring me. whether its unintentional or intentional i don't really know. It upsets me because if someone is trying to talk to you and you don't talk back not only is it rude but its disrespectful. Well i call her out on it and all she ever does is disrespect me more by telling me that im acting like a little girl and a little ***** and that im getting clingy and that i need to get over her not being able to give me her whole attention. i understand she cant give me her whole attention but when we are on messenger and she doesnt say anything for a few hours after ive already written her a couple times that pisses me off and there is no excuse for it. Well i got tired of it and i called her out on it and once again she said the same things only i lashed back at her which escalated the situation alot more and it got so bad that she started attacking me by bringing up a traumatic experience that happened to me and said that i was a little ***** and i was a little girl when it happened. i dont wanna go into detail about what happened or what was said but then i lashed out at her with something that happened to her in her life to get back at her and it crushed her. i just wanna know why she keeps doing this to me. i have every right to get mad when im ignored and she has no right to get mad at me for calling her out on it




  1. She has every right not to respond to you every time you think you require her attention!  You sound very demanding and clingy.  Give her a little space, both have the right to live your lives and neither has the right to demand the other's attention NOW!

    If you keep smothering her, you're gonna lose her....I personally couldn't handle it if someone were doing it to me!

  2. a person who is angry is 'heated, emotional'  

    a person who is inebriated is mentally and physically impaired to the degree of the amount of alcohol consumed, etc.

    not the same.  

    as far as your details...dunno.  some dynamics going on that your details arent clear upon.  if she's ignoring you and wont confront could be because she doesnt want to face the content of whatever it is that you want to talk about.  which apparently leads to your frustration and escalation of emotional outbursts.   cool off.

    maybe you need to separate yourself from that girl.  good luck

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