
When a person is sad can other people tell?

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I dont mean the person who is by themselves in some corner, but the person who is with a lot of people.




  1. Certainly some part of them can tell - we give off and read signals amongst each other that we never will consciously realize. But some people can hide it well enough and some people are oblivious enough that often times, nobody will consciously realize it.

  2. I think if you study body language you can get a definite impression of someone's mood very quickly. There are people who can put on a great front though. It's hard to give  a definite answer, as unless you know them well (then you would probably be able tor read their mood anyhow) you could never be sure you were reading someone correctly.

  3. Its more a subliminal message, we're not sure where it comes from (body language mainly), but its there and we don't realise we are picking it up, all we know is that person feels sad.

  4. Depending if that person is acting sad. Maybe not talking as much or wearing a frown. But some times people can play it off as being happy when they're really not. You just have to know how to read a person.

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