
When a person says ie this or that. What does the ie stand for and should it be written i.e. ???

by  |  earlier

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I know it means for example but what does the abbriviation mean?




  1. Actually, e.g. means "for example" and i.e. means "that is" or "in other words." They are easy to confuse because both are used to clarify the previous statement.

    Examples of correct usage are:

    Nancy has many annoying habits, e.g. (for example), popping her gum when she chews.

    I found the mystery suspenseful and exciting; i.e. (in other words), I highly recommend it.

    They are both from the Latin; i.e. stands for "id est" (it is) and e.g. stands for "exampli gratia" (for example).

  2. The i.e. stands for  for example

    The i.e. is a Latin word I am not sure what the actual word is just its basic meaning.

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