
When a player is struggling who does it hurt the most?

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And by hurt I mean emotionally not physically

A. Himself

B. His family (parents and wife)

C. His friends

D. The team

E. The fans




  1. I have to say A & D. To a certain extent B

  2. Himself - No, he still cashes his check on the 15th and 30th. His familiy - No, see himself  His friends - No, See himself and his family  The team - No, They all get paid on the 15th and 30th. The fans -Yes, try being a Phillies fan and watching Ryan Howard strike out three times a game. That's the answer.

  3. It all depends on if the team is playing well even though the player is struggling. If the team is playing well then it doesn't hurt the team as much but if the team is also struggling then it obviously hurts the team. No matter what the case the player is hurt the most emotionally and then the family of the player.  

  4. I would say A and D. It hurts himself as a player, but it also really hurts the team. So, I would say A and D. Good Question. Here's a star.

  5. All the above to some extent.

  6. I'd have to say the team. So D is my answer.  

  7. I think the fans hurt just because the team isn't winning. It's A, himself first and most. Of course B, C and D also hurt but for different reasons.

  8. All of the above

    A. Himself - Any poor play brings boos down on a player even in their hometown (especially if it's in Philadelphia) and hinders their chance at a better contract.

    B. Family - Lesser extent unless of course that player plays for the Phillies and is dumb enough to have his family in Philadelphia

    C. Friends - Who wants to hang out with someone who is in a perpetual bad mood

    D. Team - Depending on how big a fish he is, could be devastating

    E. Fans - If the team isn't winning, the fans are ticked (especially in Philadelphia where they will resort to booing their own team relentlessly until they leave the team)

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