
When a pregnant teenager gets pregnant and her only choice is adoption: does she get money for putting ...?

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her baby up for adoption?




  1. Each state in the US has different law as far as what type of expenses for the birth mother are allowed to reimburse. The expenses that would likely be paid for are things like medical expenses if she is not covered by insurance or Medicaid, maternity clothing, prenatal needs, and in some cases, if she is unable to work for medical reasons, living expenses. Some states have a cap on the expenses and some just state that they must be reasonable in the eyes of the court. If you are pregnant and are thinking about adoption, it shouldn't be for the money. If you are thinking about adoption because you are unable to parent a child and are in need of money to take care of your and the baby's health, that is another story. I would recommend you speak to an adoption agency to get some counseling.

    My husband and I are waiting adoptive parents and we are legally approved to adopt in the U.S. and waiting to find a baby to love and cheris with all of our hearts. If you want to learn more about us, visit our website at But, please don't make your decision and give your baby up for adoption for the money. Money disappears quickly once you have it, but when you choose to give your child to adoptive parents to bring up, it must be based on deep reflection for the right reasons.

    We wish you peace in your heart as you make your decision.

    Ann and Eric

  2. No she does not get money for the baby, but she is entitled to get living expenses for the last 2 months of her pregnancy and the month after she gives birth, as well as attorney fees paid. She also is entitled to get her medical expenses paid, and if you are in an adoption plan that is legitimate you will be informed of that. any questions please email or call 877-897-2229 ask for Tammy:) I am gere to help!

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