
When a pregnant women is sick is the baby sick to?

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My wife has been sick with the flu, soar throat, runny nose the past few days and she asked me if it has an affect on the baby ( is the baby sick to) im sure it has some kind of affect on the baby but how much.

18 week pregnant today! were almost there.




  1. they say the mother feels what the baby feels and vise versa.. not always true.. mom being sick might just help baby build immunity to the virus but may also just make the baby uneasy.. might be more movement in the womb or just eating more..

    as long as mommy takes care of herself even when she is sick.. by eating right, walking and exercising, resting.. baby will be fine.. trust me if every child was sick when mom was sick then this world would just be sick..

  2. false.

  3. you should really get the book

    "what to expect when you are expecting"

    it will help you out in all of these situations

    my wife and i got it and MAN it was so helpful with everything we wanted to ask. i mean everything is in there you know

  4. yes there's a possibility

  5. some times but not always. that could be a sign of changes the woman is going through.

  6. Ok, she is pg, right and you are talking about the fetus?  So no, the fetus does not get sick.  The baby is fed through the blood that comes through the umbilical and is filtered and the sac is an otherwise sterile environment.  So the flu, which is not bloodborne, will not affect the baby.  Except if your wife is not eating then her body will resort to kicking in the fat reserves for the baby.  Everything is good, no worries.  Just be sure she gets *plenty* of rest cause getting sick while pg is a killer.  Baby her and she'll love you forever for it!!

  7. It is possible. I got food poisoning when i was pregnant, so not only did it have to go through me, but it had to go through him.   If she hasn't gone to the dr yet, she probably should. They  can give her a z-pack, i got it when i was pregnant with my daughter.

  8. I thought that when women are pregnant they tend to be sick? I think its normal and if she is eating right the baby should be fine

  9. only affects the baby if your temperature goes above normal(feverish)or you are losing a lot of fluids (could cause dehydration)...then i wold suggest you phone the health line to ask for medical advise cause I'm not a doctor....i gave birth two months ago..i was sick twice while was fine...and she's a lot more healthier than i am....

  10. The baby will not have the same symptoms but will get immunity to this virus!

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