
When a prison inmate has a death in the family what procedures does the prison take?

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When a prison inmate has a death in the family what procedures does the prison take?




  1. Providing the prison administration even knows about it, the inmate will be notified of the passing of a relative.  Most times, this is done by the facility chaplain or other staff member that has training in situations like that.  

    There have been cases where an inmate was allowed to attend the funeral or memorial service, but it had to be an immediate family member (mother, father, sibling, child), the service was local & the inmate was restrained & accompanied by at least 1 armed prison staff member.  Of course, it also depended on the classification of the inmate.  If he/she was in maximum security &/or an escape risk, no deal.  Also, the prison staff wasn't going to travel any kind of distance to accomodate the inmate.

    For the most part, the inmate will simply be notifed of the death if the prison knows about it.

  2. well as far as i know they are told about the death and they continue with their normal prison lives

  3. If the inmate is in prison on murder charges,the procedure should be this.You tell the inmate in the most uncaring voice "Your (insert family member here) is dead,,,,,how does it feel *****!?"

  4. It depends on the the state. Some places make the family pay for the travel expenses and They're only allowed to attend if it's the mother or father. They won't be allowed to stay for the services and only close relatives will be able to be at the church when he arrives.

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