
When a rat nips you is that being mean or something else?10points?

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plz my two new rats i finally got 2 days ago and they kindda nip me are they mad or are they being nice what is it and why are they doing it?

10 points




  1. I've had my rats for two months and they still bite me. They're just always pissed, that's all.

  2. No, no it's not mean, they are "accepting" you! :D

  3. How, exactly are they nipping you?

    If it's a quick sort of lunge nip, it may be fear-based. If they seem to be trying to draw blood, or are drawing blood, I'd definitely say fear. But if it's a slow sort of bite that doesn't really hurt they're just testing you! Rats like to taste ya. My boy Templeton does this to me all the time, it's not an aggressive behavior. Some rats just like to do it. ;P

  4. Well, since you've only had them for 2 days, they're just not used to you yet. I could also be that you smell like food. But if the biting hurts then you must be doing something they don't like.

  5. if they nip at u and it doesnt hurt then ur hands might smell like food and they are just testing it to see if it is edible or not. this is likely the reason for the nipping. so wash ur hands if u dont already. and if they are young then they may be trying to play with you. theyd give a harder nip if they were mad. and it would hurt and theres a chance blood would be drawn. but they are new, so dont worry about it that much. just leave them alone for a few days and let them settle in. and they are likely not mad, just curious or playful, like i said before. just make sure u dont do anything they wouldnt like.

  6. i agreewith Anna since u have only had them for 2 days they could just be trying to get used to you and u are unfamilure to them..maybe you should let the get used to their new cage and stuff before trying to handle them! feed them treats from your finders to try to get them used to you...hope i helped! :)

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